About 3 million fish swim in Swiss aquariums. More than 1.6 million cats and 500,000 dogs live among us and there are also around 80,000 horses in Swiss paddocks. Keeping an animal means taking responsibility and also incurring certain costs.
But how much does a pet actually cost in Switzerland?
"A horse costs you as much per month as a boat". It's not uncommon to hear this. We got to the bottom of this and did some research: How much does a dog cost, how much does a horse cost and how much does a cat cost? You'll know after reading this article and we look forward to reading about your experiences in the comments!
Before buying a pet: Be aware that some of the above costs are likely to come your way. So save on the necessary purchase costs, the initial equipment and health care (vaccination, castration or similar) and also for a small setback. It is not uncommon to discover a health problem with an animal shortly after purchase. Give it back? For this the new family member has already grown too close to your heart. An operation can be expensive, so consider an Health insurance for your pet to lock up. Veterinarians often recommend Epona because they have vets working there and they can take good care of you.
Incidentally, riding accidents are not covered by every liability insurance. So make sure to check what is insured with you.
You already have an animal? Then we are especially happy for you! So that an illness or accident does not become a financial risk for you: Save a small emergency reserve and consider health insurance for your pet.
For the sake of simplicity, we would like to summarise the answer to the question: "What does a cat, a horse or a dog cost" in a few figures. Let's take the typical costs over 5 years as a typical pet owner in Zurich. An average horse will cost you around CHF 14,700. An average dog costs around CHF 8,600 and a cat around CHF 4,030.
Now we have talked extensively about the costs of pets, but have completely neglected the savings! Because it has been proven that a dog or horse, for example, keeps us fit and can therefore reduce our own health costs. Not to mention all the positive energy, emotional connection and joy we get from animals.
Do you have any more questions or suggestions on this topic?
Leave us a comment there!
One Response
Hi, the numbers on the page need to be checked.
Two examples:
"How much does a horse cost from birth to death? With an average life expectancy of 27 years, a horse costs around CHF 32,600"
If it costs about 1200 per month, so this should be 320K not 32K.
"A dog will cost you around CHF 1,200 per month " umm doubtful. Certainly not if "How much does a dog cost from birth to death? With an average life expectancy of 11.5 years, a dog costs around CHF 14,900 excluding the purchase costs"