Crash is here Sell shares now? sell shares now when to sell shares

The crash is here: When to sell shares?

The market situation is currently "difficult"? The media are scaring you with their reports and you are not sure whether you should really still hold investments?
Before you do anything, you should read through this contribution at your leisure. Let's get straight into it and if you have any questions, please drop me a line in the comments.

Table of contents

Should I sell my shares now?

Long-term wealth accumulation always seems easy until the markets get difficult. But you should realise that these are exactly the times when wealth creation has its foundations. Because similar to the clothing sales, you can also get cheap shares in companies now.

Further, it is never a good idea to rush into a Portfolio strategy and to make reallocations.

This is not an investment recommendation: Ideally, in difficult times on the stock market, you simply keep your feet still and do nothing at all for the time being.
Think calmly and without fear whether you want to make adjustments to your portfolio, and if so, which ones.

If you realise that you have only invested the money that you can spare in the long term, you can now also invest your Allow savings plan to continue. This allows you to benefit from favourable entry points over the next weeks, months or even years.

sell shares now and save money in a crash

A Fear and Greed Index exists here from CNN. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a clear assessment and certainly not an investment recommendation.

Being greedy when others are fearful

If you are brave, you can now even get extra or a Invest increased savings rate and thus buy even more shares at this favourable price.

However, do not overreach yourself and do not fall into the opposite of fear, i.e. not into greed and remain a rational investor. After all, you never know how long a downturn will last and how far the stock market will fall.

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Consider who benefits from your fear

If there is currently a lot of talk in the media about negative scenarios on the stock market and maybe even your bank or brokers share the news, then ask yourself who is profiting from your fear and this crash.

Because the media earn money, of course, if they can grab you by the fear. You will click on every article and thus directly or indirectly give them Generate advertising revenue.

A Bank or broker earns on each of your purchasesbut of course also a commission on each of your sales. I don't want to accuse anyone of anything, but remember that your bank or broker earns something when you sell and later buy again, i.e. when you trade actively and frequently.

So you better be the person who Profited from this crashYou can do this by understanding what is currently happening and that this has only a limited influence on a truly long-term investment.

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When to sell shares and restructure the portfolio?

In many crises, policy-makers try to revive the economy as quickly as possible. Often this is done through a increased money flow and thus, not infrequently, also in the long term, the Inflation driven forward.

Especially in times of inflation it is lucrative, real assets and Corporate values to hold on to. Because while the money loses purchasing power, your tangible assets and, for example, a company shareholding in the form of Shares or ETFs their value.

So instead of selling all of your investments in fear, you should look at their Value in times of inflation really make us aware.

Tips for difficult times on the stock exchange

  1. If your portfolio scares you stop with constantly checking the share prices. After all, you are investing for the long term!
  2. Refrain from consuming Media, which spread fear
  3. Make your Long-term strategy clear
  4. Exchange with rational investors who have been investing for many, many years.
  5. Only consume content on reputable siteswho do not play with your fear

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Conclusion on the subject of when to sell shares

I do not want to and am not allowed to give you investment advice. But I would like to give you support, also Remain rational in difficult times and remember your long-term goals to note.

The Billionaire Warren Buffett once said that the stock market is a wonderful tool for transferring money from impatient to patient people.

So now try to work on your long-term wealth accumulation and make the right decisions now to get closer to your goals in the long term.

You have questions? Feel free to post them in the comments.

6 responses

  1. When Manor has a sale on junk goods that are not otherwise available there with pseudo-discounts, people flock and buy like crazy.
    When first-class shares are offered at discount prices on the stock exchange, small investors panic and sell.

    Let someone understand the people....

  2. I came across this financial blog by pure chance not too long ago. I have been investing in my long-term wealth accumulation for some time now.
    I think your contributions are ingenious. Absolutely serious and very accurate with the current situation. Just wait and stay cool.

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