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Health care proxy what is it? And Health Care Proxy Template

Michael Schumacher has a fortune estimated at 650 million euros and a whole financial team that would be responsible for it. But because of the lack of a health care proxy Michael Schumacher's wife has to ask the Kesb (child and adult protection authority) if she wants to make a financing or sell a house. The tragic case of the former racing driver shows that even a registered marriage is not legally valid in all respects.

If you want to prevent strangers from making decisions about important matters over your head, it is imperative that you regulate this. What exactly an advance directive is, how it can help you and your family in difficult times and how you can use it properly thanks to the Health Care Proxy Template you will find out in this article.

If you have any more questions on the topic, we look forward to an exchange in the comments!

Table of contents

What is the purpose of a health care proxy?

In Switzerland, many thousands of road accidents and other strokes of fate occur every year, after which people often remain incapacitated or incapable of judgement for a longer period of time. A registered partnership, a Marriage or about a Bank power of attorney applies in this case Only for everyday decisions.

If, for example, you want (or need) to sell a house, buy or sell shares or similar, the Kesb decides for you - unless you have drawn up an advance directive. Unfortunately, many people only become aware of the usefulness of an advance directive too late. An advance directive is drawn up to ensure that you or those close to you are not governed by strangers in such extreme situations.

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Health Care Proxy Living Will - Differences?

Many people are familiar with the living will, which already states more clearly in its name what it is for. But what are the actual differences between Health Care Proxy vs. Living Will?

It is sensible to first Health care proxy presented, as this is quasi the Legal aspects around the representation of the incapacitated person clarified. The Living will regulates decisions that affect health issues refer to. The advance directive and the living will therefore complement each other if they have been coordinated. Read more about this in the advance directive template and the sample for drawing it up.

In this article, the living will will not be discussed in detail. However, you will learn what it regulates exactly. A living will states, which interventions and medical measures should be arranged depending on the state of health and what is rejected.

Putting this in writing makes it easier for relatives, as they are not confronted with difficult decisions (such as whether "the machines should be turned off or not"). There is often no clear answer to such questions and a previously recorded decision in a living will relieves the persons in such cases.

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Health Care Proxy Template Switzerland

You don't want strangers to make decisions about your legal or financial affairs? Then you can start with a Health Care Proxy Sample Remedy.

If you are working with an advance directive template, there are two options. Either you write the precautionary mandate sample handwritten off or you Print out the advance directive template and go to the notary with it.

Important: Your advance directive is only valid if it is either was handwritten or it was notarized is complete.

You can therefore use a sample advance directive print, then it must but notarise have it done. Alternatively, you can write it completely by hand to save the costs for a notary. In this case, however, you should work with a sample advance directive to ensure that the content of the document is correct.

Note: There is no guarantee that the templates are legally valid 100 %. Neither a sample nor a template nor a notary can guarantee this. If you want to be sure, you should find a specialist in the field.

Health Care Proxy Sample
  • We have linked you to a sample advance directive from Kassensturz to show you what an advance directive template looks like:
Precautionary mandate generator
  • Alternatively, the Luzerner Kantolbank offers a sample pension mandate generator which we find very useful:

Where can I deposit an advance directive?

The advance directive template has been copied or notarised and the document is ready. But where does it make sense to file an advance directive?

Many people deposit the advance directive at home, ideally in a place known to their acquaintances. In the event of an emergency, the Document be easy to find and in the Original are present.

Important: Only if an advance directive in the original it is accepted by the Kesb.

Anyone who wants to ensure that an advance directive is found can also have it deposit at the civil registry office for a small fee (CHF 75 -150) have it done. You can also deposit your advance directive with the Kesb or Caritas.


There are situations in life that we would all like to never experience if possible. However, closing our eyes and hoping is not a sensible strategy for this. Those who draw up an advance directive regulate the best course of action for a possible emergency in good times.

So don't ignore the issue, It is best to draw up an advance directive right now. Documenting financial, legal and health-related procedures and wishes is absolutely essential if you want to care for your loved ones. A further contribution can be found here. It covers many important questions about the advance directive.

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