True Wealth pillar 3a experience true wealth pillar 3a fees review experience report pillar 3a truewealth pillar 3a

True Wealth Pillar 3a Experience

Maybe you know True Wealth already considered the largest robo advisor in Switzerland. With over CHF 1.5 billion in assets under management and more than 26,000 customers the provider from Zurich has a lot of experience.

You can now also use this experience in the True Wealth pillar 3a solution. Because the Pillar 3a from True Wealth is the most favourable pillar 3a with securities in Switzerland!

What else is special about True Wealth's pillar 3a besides the fees and how the True Wealth Pillar 3a Experience You can find out how they turn out in this review.

Table of contents

Offer for you:
  • The True Wealth Pillar 3a with 0.0 % Management fee use
  • Further 0.25 % less fees on your free Investments get

To do this, open your free account with True Wealth using the Invitation link:

Summary: What are the True Wealth Pillar 3a benefits?

  • 0 % Management fees: The most favourable pillar 3a with securities you can find in Switzerland. A good basis for a positive True Wealth pillar 3a experience, isn't it?
  • Automatic investing: If you wish, you can start pillar 3a and free investments with True Wealth. When the pillar 3a is full (never again to worry about the 3a Maximum amount If you do not have to take care of the investment), it is automatically continued in the free investment.
  • Automatic staggering: If you do not stagger your Pillar 3a accounts, you will be penalised later on for tax purposes. Unfortunately, many people forget this. True Wealth does this for you automatically. Up to 5 withdrawals are then possible when closing the account.
  • Intelligent investing: Your investments with True Wealth in pillar 3a and 3b (free investment) are harmonised. This ensures fewer risks.
  • Carryover from free investment: Are you already a True Wealth robo advisor client? Then you can move money into your retirement savings account there with a click.
  • Digital: If you are already a customer, you can open your True Wealth pension solution in just a few seconds! If you are a new customer, the process is also quick and completely digital.
  • Pillar 3a interest: There is currently 0.75 % interest on cash deposits.
  • From 1,000 francs: Thanks to fractional shares, you can start from a minimum investment volume of CHF 1,000 and even invest in shares with small amounts.

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What makes the True Wealth pension solution so special?

I'm sure you'll want to discuss True Wealth Pillar 3a fees in more detail, but let's look at the technical features begin. These are at least as exciting!

Automatic staggering

While many investors are familiar with pillar 3a as an instrument for saving taxes, only a few consider the Necessity of staggering. Without staggered payments, pillar 3a can become a tax trap.

True Wealth staggers for you automatically:

  • If you pay the maximum contribution every year, a new 3a pot will be created for you every year ...
  • After 5 years you have 5 pots and from the 6th year your 3a payments are then distributed over all pots in such a way that all pots are always as equal as possible. This leads to the lowest possible tax progression when withdrawing.
  • You transfer 3a funds from another foundation to True Wealth? Then a new 3a pot is automatically created for you per transfer and you now have 6 or more pots, depending on the case, which will be optimised for you from now on.


With the automatic graduation, True Wealth is the first 3a provider ever to take this tax optimisation off your hands as a client and automate it. This feature will save some customers a lot of taxes and therefore has a very positive impact on the True Wealth Pillar 3a experience and rating.

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Reconciliation of free assets and pension assets

When you start your True Wealth Pillar 3a experience, you'll quickly find the opportunity to automatic filling stand out.

Let's say you have a Standing orderwhich will transfer CHF 1,000 per month to your True Wealth Depot transfers. True Wealth is activated when "automatic filling" now prioritise paying the current maximum pillar 3a contribution into your 3a custody account.

Only when the Maximum amount is achieved, everything about it will be Free assets of the True Wealth Robo Advisor paid in.

This way, you always benefit from the tax advantages of pillar 3a and never have to worry about the maximum amount, etc.

Even a Transfer from your free assets to your pillar 3a is at all times possible with just one click:

true wealth pillar 3a automatic replenishment manual replenishment carryover free assets automatic investing auto top in
Transfer of free assets > Pillar 3a & automatic 3a top-up function

It's also exciting that as a True Wealth client, you can only once an investment decision have to meet.

The strategy designed for you (and subsequently adaptable) is then used for your investments in the free assets as well as in Pillar 3a.

So your Investments coordinated with each other and thus always maintain the ideal risk-return ratio.

Offer for you:
  • The True Wealth Pillar 3a with 0.0 % Management fee use
  • Further 0.25 % less fees on your free Investments get

To do this, open your free account with True Wealth using the Invitation link:

Negative True Wealth Pillar 3a experiences or disadvantages?

That the Strategy set only once and then applies to all investment pots in True Wealth can be seen as an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is clearly simplicity.

The disadvantage would be that only a single investment strategy can be pursued and thus No differentiation in investment risk for different investment objectives can be made.

Example: A 3a pot is to be drawn in 5 years for a home ownership promotion. Accordingly, the amount should not be exposed to a high equity risk. However, at the same time you still have a long-term investment strategy in your free assets, which is geared towards retirement in 20 years with a high equity risk. Currently, no reasonable distinction can be made here with the True Wealth Pillar 3a solution.

Our financial tips for 2025

"Intelligent people learn from the mistakes of others".

We have compiled our top selection for you from all our tests and experience reports:

Fees: How does True Wealth vs. Viac compare?

The True Wealth Pillar 3a fees can't be beaten. You're probably wondering how True Wealth can offer the solution at these conditions:

  • The Marginal costs are extremely low. Most clients do not choose the interest account, but invest their 3a funds. There are hardly any costs here, as this has already been greatly optimised from the Robo Advising area.
  • These conditions in the pillar 3a are of course an excellent Marketing for robo advising. Many 3a clients will probably also rely on True Wealth in free assets, where money can then be made.

True Wealth Pillar 3a Fees: For the Administration are not charged. This makes the solution the most favourable pillar 3a with securities in Switzerland.

Calculated Product costswhich depend on your strategy.

Here is an exemplary extract from a depot with:

  • 89 % Shares
  • 5 % Raw materials
  • 5 % Real estate shares
  • 1 % Cash

-> 0.17 % Total fees

True Wealth Pillar 3a Experience 2
Exemplary pillar 3a fees with 89% equity component

True Wealth vs. Viac comparison

You should not necessarily judge a product by its price alone. A comprehensive comparison of True Wealth vs. Viac Pillar 3a would go beyond the scope of this article.

Therefore only one quick glimpse on the fees for an investment strategy with a high proportion of equities:

A comparable investment strategy at Viac (such as Global 80 or Global 100) is charged 0.44 % effective management fee + 0.01 % product costs. The fees are therefore about 2.6x more expensive than with True Wealth.

For this, the solution from Viac has already existed for several years (technically sophisticated) and also offers very innovative functions.

If you'd like a more detailed Viac vs True Wealth or even a True Wealth vs Frankly comparison, feel free to share it in the comments!

Conclusion on the True Wealth Pillar 3a experience

The technical price is True Wealth 3a offer unbeatableThis is also confirmed by platforms like Moneyland.

Smart functions such as the automatic scales, automatic filling or about the Transfer from free assets make the solution particularly innovative.

With its Pillar 3a, True Wealth puts the Benchmark once again to a new level for all providers. For us investors, this means only good things!

The conclusion of the True Wealth Pillar 3a experience is therefore as follows very positive off.

If you decide to use True Wealth's pillar 3a, open your account via the following link. If you also use Robo Advising later, you will benefit from lower fees.

Will you switch with your provision? Share your thoughts in the comments

Offer for you:
  • The True Wealth Pillar 3a with 0.0 % Management fee use
  • Further 0.25 % less fees on your free Investments get

To do this, open your free account with True Wealth using the Invitation link:

13 responses

  1. Hi Eric, a more detailed comparison between Viac/Yuh/Finpension vs True Wealth would be great! Is something like this already being planned? Best regards, Shana

  2. Hello Eric
    Thank you very much for the great platform! At last, simple, understandable explanations - and not from the financial advisor at your bank, who gives the impression during the consultation that she is working on commission!!!
    I have had two classic pillar 3a accounts for almost 20 years, which I would like to convert (partially?) into a 3a fund. I'm wavering between Selma and True Wealth. What is not clear to me: Can I only use part of the invested 3a account funds for this?
    Thanks for your feedback in advance and have a nice evening, Barbara

    1. Dear Barbara,
      thank you for your positive feedback! 🙂
      Existing 3a pots can no longer be split retrospectively (with the exception of home ownership promotion - WEF).
      You can only transfer entire pots. Once you have arrived at your destination, money can be invested depending on the provider and the strategy you have chosen (this can also be very conservative, with a very small share of equities).

      I hope this helps you! 🙂

  3. I can also fully recommend the 3a custody account from True Wealth. I also have accounts with Viac and Frankly. If you want to save fees with True Wealth, you can use this link

  4. i already have truewealth and am satisfied. does it make sense to have all pillar 3a there as well? or would it be safer to have an alternative with viac so that i don't invest everything in the same portfolio with the same strategy? i'm a bit unsure. or are the investment products similar with the two anyway?

    If you would like to open Truewealth with a discount on the fees, please use the link.

    1. Hello Claudia
      Of course, True Wealth's fees are currently lower than those of Viac.
      Personally, I am a fan of goal-oriented investing. Accordingly, it makes sense to align the strategy in each portfolio with a specific goal. For example, portfolio 1 with strategy 1 for target 1, portfolio 2 with strategy 2 for target 2...
      Kind regards

  5. I experienced True Wealth a few years back on the investment side and their fees were high in comparison to Degiro or IBKR. Curious to see where the market leads if providers like TrueWealth start promising 0%. Their clear goal is to hook you into their other products, if it fails my thinking is that they will start charging at some point.

    http://www.viac.ch still remains personally the one platform for investing my vested benefits. Its product simplicity (desktop and mobile), investment possibilities, customer service has been top so far and fees are still in the lower end of the market.

    1. Hi Michel
      thanks for your input!
      As I spoke to the True Wealth team, they not planning to rise the fee. Currently the fees are saved with a contract. In the end of course its not guaranteed but you can then still switch your pillar 3a.
      Degiro and IBKR are no Robo Advisors so the fee comparison makes no sense here. They are foreign trading platforms offering a different service.

  6. The graduation is a good idea in principle. If I remember correctly, you can have a maximum of five 3rd pillar accounts. Can I also say that I only want _one_ account because I also have accounts with other providers?

    And one more basic remark: Whether taxes can actually be saved with several accounts depends on the place of residence ( cantonal tax laws ) and the legal situation at the time of retirement ( political risk, the GOVERNMENT always needs money ).

    1. Hello Alain,
      How many 3a accounts you can have varies from canton to canton.
      As far as I know, you can have as many 3a accounts as you want in Zurich. What makes sense is another question which answered here will.

      It is probably better to have 8 accounts, which are then intelligently staggered over 5 years, than to have only 2 accounts.

  7. I have been with True Wealth for about 6 months and am one of the 13,000 customers who are fully satisfied. I opened it on the recommendation of schwiizerfranke.com.
    The new 3a offer also convinced me and I cancelled the VIAC accounts and applied for the transfer to True Wealth. VIAC even contacted me by phone and asked me why I wanted to switch. I think they wanted to change my mind :-).
    Unfortunately, the transfer from VIAC to True Wealth takes about 2 weeks. For me, an incomprehensibly long time.

    If you want to save 0.25% on True Wealth's asset management fee for 1 year, use this link.

  8. True Wealth was no longer on my radar for 3A. I've actually only ever considered VIAC and Frankly, which do it "modern" and cheaply. Maybe I'll really give them a try for 2023.

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