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Investing with True Wealth: Interview with Felix Niederer

True Wealth is an established Swiss one-stop shop for passive investing. In one Review we have already looked at True Wealth in areas such as user-friendliness and fees. There were additional questions from the community, which is why we simply invited the CEO Felix Niederer for an interview. What tips Felix can give you or where the platform will develop, we have clarified for you in this interview:

Interview: True Wealth CEO Felix Niederer
Felix Niederer CEO True Wealth Performance Legit App Test ETF Switzerland

Table of contents

True Wealth App, Assets under Management & More

Felix, you studied physics at ETH. Many of our readers don't have a finance background. Do you think this is a disadvantage when you want to get to grips with your investments?
No, because that's exactly why there are apps like True Wealth, which are clear and easy to use. That's where the experience and expertise of our entire team comes in.

How would you describe True Wealth in 3 sentences?
True Wealth is the Swiss online wealth management solution that makes it easy for anyone to participate in global economic growth. Due to our automated processes, we can keep costs low, leaving more for the investor in the end. The platform responds to individual investment preferences in a simple way.

What is the current amount of assets under management by True Wealth? (as of March 2021)
The current figure is 440 million francs.

What makes True Wealth special in the Swiss market?
We make a challenging problem - diversified and cost-efficient investing - as simple and accessible as possible. Our solution appeals to people who are investing for the first time as well as to experienced investors who want to be able to adjust their investment mix themselves at any time. And we then implement the client's strategy in an extremely cost-effective way. For example, we also minimize the costs arising from currency fluctuations, which always occur with a globally diversified portfolio.


True Wealth strategy in focus

Who makes the investment decisions for you?
The investment strategies that we propose were determined by the team on the basis of scientific principles, and I am also involved in this myself.

The True Wealth strategy is always the same or do you regularly adjust it according to your market assessment?
Since we do not believe in market timing, our investment strategies are made for a longer period of time. This way we avoid transaction costs (explicit costs, but also hidden ones like bid-ask spreads), which brings much more.

Some investors have concerns when they think of robo-advisors because they are afraid of what they might do in the event of a crash or sharp stock market correction. How does True Wealth address these concerns?
Our investment approach is very simple: we keep the individual investment mix constant. This means that if, for example, shares lose value, we buy them at a favourable price. Then, when the market recovers, we sell again gradually. This is basically a slightly countercyclical investment approach. The important thing to remember is that fluctuations in value are always part of the game. In the short term, the chance of a loss is almost 50% anyway, but this is offset in the long term by an attractive risk premium as compensation.

Would you recommend that investors regularly update their own market views with True Wealth or adjust their strategy/risk tolerance?
It is certainly good to pause once a year and consider whether the strategy still suits your own risk tolerance or whether your life situation has changed financially. We support investors in this online. As I said, I'm skeptical about market timing, but if you want to regularly implement your own market assessment in your own portfolio, there's probably nowhere else you can do it as easily and cost-effectively as on our platform.

Does it make sense to deposit in foreign currencies to the True Wealth account to actively reduce the exchange fees for products in foreign currencies themselves? (Different deposit accounts for different currencies)
Absolutely - with us, each account automatically has four currencies (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP). You can easily change the currency using the corresponding personal IBAN. in the desired currency and avoids expensive currency exchanges at the house bank. Our FX costs are also very low compared to other fintechs and online banks.

Foreign currency risk - do you hedge the products specifically?
No, we deliberately don't do that, because the cost-benefit ratio is often rather unfavourable for the investor. Besides, it doesn't help at all with bonds, because currency hedging essentially puts me back on the Swiss yield curve, but with more costs. Technically, the reason is that the interest rate differential between currencies is always already priced into the hedging instruments for fundamental reasons. On the other hand, we have a slight home bias, i.e. a slight investment focus on local investments.

Outlook and tips

You see yourselves as tech companies. You see more and more providers entering different markets. Could you imagine using your technology for markets like the 3a pension market?
Yes, of course, in principle our technology is also suitable for 3a.

In 2019 you expanded to Austria, are there any further steps planned abroad?
Internationalization is an attractive prospect, but the Swiss market is very exciting and will always remain our home market.

Where will True Wealth be in 10 years? (Do you have any special features or similar planned?)
If we keep growing like this, every Swiss person will have a True Wealth account in 10 years. We are currently expanding our multi-portfolio solution, and we have just extended our app so that you can log in to the app conveniently (yet securely) via fingerprint or FaceID.

What advice would you give to a young person who wants to tackle their finances in 2021 but is unsure about the current markets?
I would tell him: Don't worry about the right time to invest, even professionals only know in retrospect. Who wants to be careful, invests staggered (that goes with us very simply). Only those who do not invest lose their purchasing power in the long term.

Time in the market > Timing the market


True Wealth is an established provider of straightforward investments in Switzerland that is not resting on its laurels. On the contrary: the recently launched True Wealth app is constantly being optimised and the online process for opening an account is also remarkably fast. True Wealth also has 15 employees who are constantly working on the investment solution.

Since it was asked most frequently from the community, here it is again: The foreign currency accounts at True Wealth can definitely be used to maximize costs. If you have a large sum of euros at hand, you can send it directly to True Wealth to the euro account. This avoids a foreign currency fee when investing in euro products.

We think features like this are very exciting and are eager to hear more news about True Wealth.

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3 responses

  1. Exciting! I am also interested in the procedure regarding taxes. Can I assume that the domicile is taken into account when investing in ETFs (withholding tax)? I would also be interested in Selma...

    1. Hello Franziska, True Wealth also selects ETFs domiciled in Switzerland, but there are also ETFs domiciled in the USA etc. in the portfolio because these are sometimes very cost-effective and liquid. Some of these ETFs already claim back withholding tax on their own and on the other hand you receive a True Wealth tax notice every year so that you can claim US withholding tax on your part. This is my knowledge, you can learn more about it from the support of TW.

      Let's discuss the Selma details at the Selma post so the info is easy for others to find there too 🙂 .

      Dear greetings

  2. Thank you for the interview with Mr Niederer!
    I didn't know True Wealth but Mr Niederer and the offer make a very serious impression. Will open my account over Easter 🙂

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