
Electricity calculator Switzerland: Calculate your consumption

Have you ever wondered why your electricity bill is so high? Or do your electricity costs seem to rise steadily every month and you don't know why?

This is exactly why we have developed our Electricity cost calculator Switzerland developed.

To reduce your electricity costs in the long term, you first need to know how much electricity you use and how the costs are made up.

In this article, you will find out how you can use the electricity calculator to understand and reduce your consumption throughout Switzerland. 

Electricity calculator instructions and example

Table of contents

Electricity cost calculator Switzerland - how do I calculate the electricity costs?

Our electricity consumption calculator consists of various componentsthat you have to fill in:

  • Power consumption in watts
  • Daily power consumption
  • Weekly use of the device
  • Electricity price per kilowatt hour


You can either use the Consumption of individual devices or find out the cost of your total electricity utilisation determine.

Let's take a closer look at the individual components.

At Power consumption in watts you must enter how much an appliance consumes. You will find out how to get this information in the next section.

At the daily duration and the weekly use you specify how long the device in question is used every day and every week. For a television, this might be 1 to 2 hours a day, 5 to 7 days a week. A refrigerator, on the other hand, runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The last thing you need to do is Electricity price enter. This varies greatly depending on where you live. You can find out how to find this information in the article below.

How do you calculate the electricity costs of an appliance?

You can see your total electricity consumption directly from your electricity bill. It is more interesting to determine the costs of individual appliances in order to Detect power guzzlers to be able

The easiest way to do this is with a Current meter. You can plug this into the socket in front of the appliance plug.

Otherwise you can also simply googlehow much electricity a specific appliance consumes, e.g. your washing machine. However, this will give you much less accurate figures, as this mainly depends on the type and age of the appliance.

According to co2online For example, a new appliance consumes 0.6 kWh (kWh stands for 1,000 watts) per wash cycle, while an old one consumes 0.9 kWh.

Besides, you don't know that yet, how much a device consumes in standby mode. And it is precisely there that many devices consume power unnecessarily, which you could simply prevent by unplugging them.

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Electricity prices in Switzerland Development

Once you have determined the power consumption of an appliance, you still need to find out how much electricity it costs you.

Electricity prices vary greatly from region to region and tend to rise every year in Switzerland.

On the official website for Swiss electricity prices you will find all prices for all regions.

Two questions that come up again and again are:

What does 1000 kWh of electricity cost in Switzerland?

What will 1 kWh of electricity cost in Switzerland in 2024?

Let's assume you live in Zurich Stadel. There, 1 kWh of electricity will cost around 31.61 Rp in 2024. Search for your region or municipality on the map and then enter the costs in the last item in the electricity calculator.

These costs have risen sharply in the past year. In 2023, for example, 1 kWh still cost 21.88 Rp. It is therefore best to do this calculation every year to calculate your Household budget if necessary.

What are the average electricity costs in Switzerland per month?

According to SwissEnergy is consumed by an average 2-person household in Switzerland between 2,000 and 3,000 kWh per year. That's between 167 and 250 kWh per month.

The study distinguishes between multi-family flats and single-family houses, with the latter consuming almost a third more.

As electricity costs vary greatly from municipality to municipality, the costs can vary considerably. In the most favourable regions, such as Zwischenbergen in Valais, 1 kWh costs just 10 cents per kWh. However, costs can rise to as much as 56 Rp/kWh, such as in Lützelflüh in the canton of Berne.

Accordingly, the average electricity costs in Switzerland between CHF 17 and CHF 140 per month.

Example calculation of electricity costs

Based on the Example of a tumble dryer Let's take a closer look at how you can calculate your electricity costs.

For our example, we assume that you have a tumble dryer in the new energy class D (previously A). A Drying aisle needs on average 3 kWhi.e. 3,000 watts.

Let's assume that you A dry cycle three times a week carry out. Then enter 2 hours per day (average duration for a dry cycle) and 3 days a week in the calculator.

For the Cost per kWh Let's assume again that you live in Stadel. So there you enter 31.61 Rp. one.

This brings you to 468 kWh and approx. CHF 148that the dryer per annum consumed. Air drying can therefore save several hundred francs over the years. Here you can find more Saving tips for Switzerland summarised.

However, you can only get an accurate result with an ammeter.

Electricity calculator Switzerland electricity cost calculator switzerland electricity cost switzerland per month electricity price calculator switzerland electricity cost switzerland per kwh

How can I reduce my electricity costs?

Once you have used the electricity meter to find out which appliances consume the most electricity, you can target the power guzzlers to reduce your electricity costs.

Devices such as Televisions consume a lot of power even in standby mode. You could unplug it when you don't need it and thus reduce its consumption by up to 90%.

Tumble dryers are also among the appliances with high electricity consumption where savings can easily be made. In summer in particular, you can completely dispense with their use and simply air dry your laundry.

However, you can achieve the greatest possible savings in electricity consumption by Buy appliances with a better energy class. Especially if you live in a detached house and have to buy all the appliances yourself, it is worth buying more efficient appliances, as you will save a lot of money in the long term.

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Conclusion on the electricity cost calculator Switzerland

The electricity consumption calculator can help you to minimise unnecessary Uncovering the costs of electricity consumption and save costs. Especially with appliances such as tumble dryers, which are not absolutely necessary, you can save a lot if you use them in a more targeted way.

If you want to get the most out of the money you save, then you might as well invest it now.

First calculate your nest egg and then take a look at our article on the topic "Investing Money Switzerland" to.

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