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You would like to less taxes pay? Then you should view this post in your browser save.
The tax burden is different in each canton and always depends on some factors. However, the tips for saving taxes in Switzerland in this article apply to the whole of Switzerland.
The Best tax tips come in the last part of the article, so stay tuned.
Let's not wait any longer, but start directly with a few hints in advance!
One important aspect should be clear to you in advance:
Taxes are usually due whenever you take in money. Conversely, taxes must usually also be Money Issued be at Taxes at save.
Spending money to save taxes only makes sense, however, when the Money meaningful Issued will.
Example? Let's say you can deduct one book from your taxes as a teaching aid. Does it now make sense to buy hundreds of books?
No. Concrete examples follow in the following sections. Do not forget this aspect. It is important!
You can earn up to CHF 2,000 per year from your with save on taxes with pillar 3a. The best?
You can use the money according to your needs within pillar 3a. invest. You can invest your money up to 100% in shares tax free.
Voluntary pension provision with pillar 3a is rewarded in Switzerland from a tax perspective. This is because the payments into pillar 3a can be deducted from the Taxable income deducted be
When you withdraw your Pillar 3a in the future, taxes will be due, but you can then also optimize them again. More about pillar 3a and its Swiss Tax benefits you will find in this post linked.
When does pillar 3a tax savings not make sense? Since it is a tied pension plan, it does not make sense to make a deposit when you will need exactly this money in the near future. However, there are Exceptionshow you can still withdraw your 3a funds.
When withdrawing pension assets, there are a few tricks to saving taxes in Switzerland.
In the 3rd pillar, for example, should a staggered Reference should be absolutely self-evident for you. Here is a guide to do so.
Generally, the receipt of pension benefits leads to an increase in your annual salary and thus to a higher tax progression. The aim should therefore be to increase your Annual income as possible uniform (and low) to avoid progression.
For example, if you draw a large amount from your pension fund in year X, you should draw as little as possible from pillar 3a in that year.
By the way, there is the possibility to split the pension fund in order to be able to draw the pension fund on a staggered basis. You can find the article on this in the blog.
The staggering of pension assets for tax savings throughout Switzerland can look as follows:
You entered the working world late because of studies, were abroad for a longer period of time or want to take early retirement, for example?
There are very many constellations when a Purchase into the pension fund (2nd pillar) can make sense. But there are also some limits, rules and guidelines.
Your current Purchasing potential can be seen on your annual pension certificate. But does it make sense at all to save taxes with the pension fund now and to make a PF purchase?
Just as young person you should always consider the question of Opportunity costs put
Does it make more sense to tie up the money in the pension fund now and not be able to access it (or only with great difficulty) until retirement?
The alternative would be, for example, to invest the money freely and invest it there at far more attractive rates of return. A PK purchase shortly before retirement can then still be made and the return on tax savings is then much higher calculated per year.
There are many cases where buying into the pension fund makes a lot of tax sense.
To clarify whether a PF purchase is attractive from a tax perspective and how you should proceed, I recommend you consult an expert. Here are 3 pension experts from 3 cantons:
If you want to learn yourself how and when to do PK shopping, you should check out the FinanceTimetable take a closer look.
As Real Estate Owner Taxes save goes for example through value-preserving Maintenance. This is expressly not value-adding.
So installing a new sauna would not be deductible, but new windows would.
For maintenance work in the tax return there is a Flat rate. Should this be exceeded, you can use the effective Costs Settle.
For larger amounts makes a Stagger the Maintenance work over several years makes sense.
It is also clear that there is often a fine line between value preservation and value enhancement.
Replace the old parquet with a new, slightly higher quality? A Documentation with photos helps with queries from the tax authorities.
Get details and more info in advance.
Here is a detailed article about the staggered reference of the pension assets.
Paying too much tax because of mistakes? That would be unattractive.
For example, in stock trading, this happens to you quickly, like here described. A guide with Tax tips can be found at this point and you should definitely take it to heart.
If you want to save taxes, there's no way around the Tax return over. Fill out the tax return without instructions? You run the risk of main tips for tax deductions to forget or even make legal mistakes.
So be sure to use a good guide to get everything you can out of your tax return or consult an expert.
By the way, a step-by-step guide for your tax return can be found in the FinanceTimetable.
From retirement planning to real estate and stock trading, there are a few ways to get started in the Switzerland save taxes to be able
The basics are partly good to do on your own. As soon as it comes to purchases in the Pension Fund or other topics, an expert is worthwhile. To save many thousands of francs in taxes throughout Switzerland, you only need to understand a few important steps. You can download our tax checklist free of charge.
Notice: No advice and no guarantee. Always clarify tax issues with an expert and the tax authorities.
5 responses
Deduct federal tax as a liability. We owe the federal government the tax for 2023 but won't receive the bill until 2024, so the money is in the account as an asset at the end of the year and may have to be taxed as an asset. You could deduct this debt. That adds up to a few francs. Motto: "If you don't honour a centime, it's not worth a franc".
Hello Beeteens
I like your approach. But how exactly is that supposed to work? Declare the definitive federal tax settlement from 2024 for the 2025 tax year as debt?
Thank you and best regards
What I would add would be the deductibility of custody account fees, safe deposit box fees and chargeable tax statements.
Thanks for the addition to the tax-saving tips, Lars
For the Swiss abroad returning after 50 years, the advice is well-intentioned. The fact is somewhat different. Where I live and pay taxes, 9 out of 12 experts say: "we don't accept new clients, 2 don't answer at all and the 12th says we specialise in local taxpayers, look for someone else on Google (?)" Good advice is expensive?