Raiffeisen Rio Test Experience 2020 Review Costs Criticism Alternative

Raiffeisen Rio Experience Report 2024: App Review & Cost Test

With the Rio app, Raiffeisen has expanded its digital asset management was launched. This was not uncharted territory, as other providers such as True Wealth or Selma Finance already dominate this market. 

Not only do the Raiffeisen Rio costs differ from other offers, the products used are also significantly different. This article will give you a detailed insight into the Raiffeisen Rio app and solution! 

Table of contents

Raiffeisen Rio Cost App Test Experience Review 2020
Source: Raiffeisen.ch

What is Raiffeisen Rio?

With Raiffeisen Rio, the 3rd largest banking group in Switzerland offers a digital asset management an. Especially Existing customers in the younger age segment should fall within the target group. Rio customers will not receive investment advice from advisors, but the survey within the Rio app will be sufficient.

Subsequently, active and also structured products are put together in a mix adapted to the client. Focus topics such as digitalisation or Swiss equities are specially advertised, but also cost a separate fee.

Before you find out more details and read about the Raiffeisen Rio experience, you will find the Rio Review Result

Minimum amount for the investment
5'000 CHF 80%
Flat-rate fee for Raiffeisen Rio
0.65% (excluding product fees etc.) 95%
Other fees: product fees, currency costs, stamp duties)
0.30% - 0.6% Other costs for products and focus topics 87%
Products used
Active funds and structured products 68%
Experience App, consulting and customer service
Fast, uncomplicated opening and competent customer service 100%

Positive Raiffeisen Rio experience: Rio advantages

  • No minimum term: With Raiffeisen Rio, investments can be made without a minimum term. As with any investment, however, a long-term orientation makes sense.
  • Sophisticated software: The technology behind Raiffeisen Rio comes from Bank Vontobel. It has been in use there since 2019, which definitely reduces possible initial difficulties with Rio.
  • Focus topics: The focus topics at Rio create not only opportunities but also transparency. After all, costs increase transparently with the themes used. So if you don't use them, you don't pay for them either. The newsfeed on Rio naturally makes these investment products correspondingly interesting, and they also make Rio a bit more interesting. Anyone who wants to bet on digital change or dividends, for example, can do so with a focus product.
  • Easy for Raiffeisen customersIf you are already a Raiffeisen customer, opening Rio is very easy for you. You can log in to Rio with your Raiffeisen e-banking contract. 

Negatives in the Raiffeisen Rio Test?

  • product costs: Fees are virtually guaranteed lost returns. Therefore, always pay specific attention to the ongoing and slightly hidden fees. While the ongoing account management fee of 0.65% is quite reasonable, the product costs are not among the most favourable. As the focus topics are probably at the centre of Rio, their additional 0.6% can be viewed quite critically. Taxes and stock exchange fees are also added. You can get a more detailed picture in the comparison below.
  • Products used: Unfortunately, expensive active funds and structured products are used. The latter are not regulated by FINMA and can lead to total loss.
  • Minimum investment: Raiffeisen Rio is not aimed at wealthy customers. With investment solutions for beginners, it is therefore always nice if the minimum investment amount is low. CHF 5,000 is okay, Selma but shows that there can be fewer.
  • Consulting: Speaking of Selma - the competitor impresses with a mix of roboadvisor for investing money and links to other external investments and the personal asset situation. What therefore looks rather unattractive in the Raiffeisen Rio experience report is the fact that Rio customers are not looked after by Raiffeisen investment advisors. Rather, the cosmos should be limited to the app. Normally, the Rio app should not require any further advice.

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Raiffeisen Rio Costs & Fees

Increasingly, after the Raiffeisen Rio cost model which was already mentioned above. Basically, in addition to the somewhat confusing "Flat-rate fee" other points such as Stock exchange fees or Stamp duties added. This is similar to the structure of most competitors. 

With Rio then come separate product costs which in turn depend on the respective products. This is also known from other providers. The difference, however, lies in the amount of the Raiffeisen Rio costs. Because Rio uses active and also structured products. These are expensive and require managers (who also have to earn salaries) and are therefore more expensive than passive products.

In the end, this is probably a philosophy question. According to the studies of Gerd Kommer and others, active products tend to lose out in the long term. Especially due to the high fees, which first have to be compensated for by higher returns. In a review, however, more than just the costs count, which is why you will also find a duel with the competitors in the Raiffeisen Rio experience report:

Raiffeisen Rio vs. True Wealth vs. Selma Finance

OfferRioTrue WealthSelma
Account maintenance fee0,65%0,5%0,68%
Product costs0.25% - 0.6% for focus topicsapprox. 0.2%0,22%
Minimum investment5'000 CHFCHF 8'500 CHF 2'000
Consulting included?-yesyes
Usabilityparticularly highparticularly highparticularly high
Sustainability?Focus topic (Cost)PossiblePossible
New customer offer?-0.25% Fees less in 1st yearNo fees in the 1st year up to CHF 5,000

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Conclusion Raiffeisen Rio App

We have compiled the Raiffeisen Rio experience report with a Rating from 3.2/5 opened. If you have read the Raiffeisen Rio Test carefully, you know why such a rating is given:

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Usability of the App
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Simple account opening
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fees
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Minimum investment
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Overall experience

What is your impression of Raiffeisen Rio? Are you already a Raiffeisen customer and thinking about using Rio?

If you are not a Raiffeisen customer - would you open an account for Rio? We would rather go to the market leader True Wealth guess.

Please let us know in the comments!

21 responses

  1. Hello. After much deliberation, I also set up the Raiffeisen Rio and decided against a fund investment strategy with Raiffeisenbank. The decisive factor was the fees, which are 1.6% for the fund investment strategy plus the annual fee of 20.00 (in the knowledge that Rio also charges fees, but these are lower than if the bank has to do it for me). I consider the fact that you can put together your portfolio "without a fund manager" to be a positive aspect of Rio. With a balanced core structure, I have acquired 5 focus themes. This raises the question of whether 25% of the total volume is not a bit too much? Do you have any experience in this regard? Many thanks for your opinions.

  2. Hi,

    I have tried to find out which fund products are used in Raiffeisen Rio. Unfortunately, neither the Rio website provides any information on this, nor is the local Raiffeisen Bank or Rio Support (!) able to provide the relevant details 🙁

    As far as I can tell based on the demo video [1], Variopartner white label funds from Vontobel [2] are used, including:
    - Variopartner SICAV - 3-Alpha Diversifier Equities USA G CHF
    - Variopartner SICAV - 3-Alpha Diversifier Equities Europe G CHF
    - Variopartner (CH) - 3-Alpha Diversifier Equities Switzerland

    It would be cool if someone who already has/had Rio could post the full asset allocation and the funds used for it and their ISIN numbers here, then I could do a proper analysis of this product so that you can compare this to other solutions.

    Greetings JM

    [1] https://www.raiffeisen.ch/region-glatt/de/privatkunden/anlegen/anlageloesungen/vermoegensverwaltung/digitale-vermoegensverwaltung.html
    [2] https://am.vontobel.com/en/white-label-funds?query=variopartner%203-alpha

    1. Hoi JM

      I invested in Rio around April 2021.
      I have invested 100% in "core" and 0% in focus themes. Can you tell me whether focus themes are any good?
      Back to your question:
      With Kern, Rio inverts with me in
      -Global bonds: " Vontobel Mid Yield Bond Fund 25%
      -Swiss bonds": " Raiffeisen Futura Swiss Franc Bond 25%
      - Swiss equities:" 3-Alpha Diversifier 23.6%
      - Equities Usa : " 3-Alpha Diversifier Usa 17.8%
      -Equities Europe :" 3-Alpha Diversifier Europe 5.5%

      I hope that I could help you further

      1. Hi, Andre,

        Thanks for the details. I did some research on the Rio focus topics and here's what I found out:

        The Rio focus themes are mapped via Actively Managed Certificates (AMC) from Bank Vontobel. AMCs are the "latest" hype in structured financial products and are often used to create financial products around trend themes, as these can be "produced" by the bank more quickly (time to market) and with less effort than with an index fund or ETF, which require the establishment of a separate fund company. This also means that, unlike index funds or ETFs, AMCs are not special assets and are therefore held directly on the books of the issuing bank. This means that AMCs are actually a debt security and therefore there is a direct counterparty risk with the issuer. According to the published AMC documents, Vontobel's AMCs are collateralised via a Triparty Collateral Management (TCM) solution from SIX, but it is not clear to me to what extent the AMCs are collateralised in the event of the issuer's bankruptcy. If you read the KIID, you will notice that "a total loss of the capital invested is possible in the event of the bankruptcy of the issuer". In addition, there are no annual reports on the AMCs and therefore a certain degree of transparency is lacking that is available with index funds or ETFs.

        More details on AMC: https://www.caplaw.ch/2015/the-rise-of-actively-managed-certificates/

        Here are the AMCs that were on sale at April's Focus Topics; now there are a few more.

        - CH0432300132: Strategic Certificate on the Disruptors Index II (CHF)
        - CH0464666038: Strategic Certificate on a Global Quality Dividend Achievers Index II
        - CH0432300231: Strategic Certificate on the Family Influenced Businesses Index II (CHF)
        - CH0489808979: Strategic Certificate on the Swiss Equity Selection II Index

        The AMCs used above currently have a TER of 0.6% (in April it was 0.87% - 1.46%). The number of constituents per AMC above is between 20 and 36, which is not exactly evidence of a high level of diversification. In addition, the AMCs also have quite high cash holdings of around 3 to 8%.

        In addition to the AMC story, I'm generally bothered by the lack of transparency at Rio and you don't get enough details about the financial products used either via the Rio website or the app before closing. It takes endless back and forth with the local Raiffeisen Bank until you get an overview of what is really behind Rio. The investment advisor at the bank does not know the product well enough and has to consult with the association in St. Gallen for practically every question. In addition, the management fee of 0.65% p.a. excl. VAT [!] = 0.7% p.a. incl. VAT is quite expensive for what it actually is. The weighted total expense ratio of the fund products used at Rio without focus themes in a portfolio asset allocation (with 65% equities, 30% bonds, 5% cash) is 0.266% (April 2021).


  3. Hello Eric

    Thank you very much for your helpful testimonial.
    Is it possible to see which stocks you invest in before the wealth management contract? I would like to compare several investment proposals from different robo-advisors.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Best regards

    1. Hello, Jasmine,
      I haven't used Rio since then, maybe I'm wrong (please correct me) ... I don't think the exact securities are displayed. I've just looked again on the Raiffeisen homepage but didn't find any information either.
      They must be made available to you at the latest when you invest. Upon request to the support you will certainly receive the exact information beforehand.


    2. Hoi Jasmin,

      Unfortunately, the Rio website does not provide any details (ISIN, fact sheets, KIID) on the fund products used. Unfortunately, the support provided on the website via e-mail and telephone number is also not very helpful. When I enquired there, I was told that they could only help me with the account setup and password reset! Interactions with the local Raiffeisen bank were also initially unproductive. You could almost think that they don't want to sell the Rio product even if the Raiffeisen banks are "desperate" to push their customers from cash in the account to an investment solution.

      The only efficient way to get more information is to ask your local Raiffeisen bank and have them enquire with Raiffeisen Switzerland. There is a PDF with a presentation entitled "Raiffeisen Rio - Investments & Portfolio", which contains all the details about the portfolios offered, their asset allocation and the fund ISINs. I would explicitly ask for this presentation, as it contains everything you need to analyse and evaluate the Rio product in detail. The bank can obtain this presentation via the Rio support of Raiffeisen Switzerland. It is a real pity that the details of this presentation are not published on the website, which would have saved me a lot of time and trouble.

      Generally speaking, the funds used in Rio's core portfolio are all managed by Vontobel and some of them have "Raiffeisen" in their title. These are classic actively managed investment funds and not passive investment products (index funds or ETFs). The products for the focus themes are Actively Managed Certificates (AMC) and not funds (see my answer to Andre's question in the comments to this post).

      The funds used in the core portfolio are sometimes separate tranches (share classes) of funds that Raiffeisen has offered for some time, but with a lower TER than the normal tranches that Raiffeisen Bank traditionally sells through its branches. Since these tranches are quite new, there are usually not very many details about them on the Raiffeisen website and you have to look for the details in the annual reports of the funds on which the tranches are based. The factsheets on these newer tranches are also not yet published in some cases, as they have not yet been on the market for a full year.

      Greetings JM

  4. I have been using Raiffeisen Rio since August 2020 with an equity-oriented investment strategy. The performance is impressive with +21.6% in this short period. I have also used thematic investments, really exciting!
    I particularly like the news reports, which are updated very regularly. I can also look at the individual stocks in the portfolio that are invested in - cool!

  5. Hello, Eric,

    Thank you very much for your report.
    What do you/they think of Degiro? What is your rating?

    Thank you and best regards

    1. Hello Marco
      thank you very much for your feedback!
      I have already made a note about Degiro in the ETF section. The best thing to do is to enter "Degiro" in the search function at the top right and you should find it, right?
      We have a few supporters of Degiro among the readers. Mine is not quite the platform. But that's for everyone to decide for themselves 🙂 Greetings!

  6. Hello all 🙂

    I have read these and other reviews on the Raiffeisen like Selma or True Wealth offer and I am not sure if and what is really helpful...

    I've been a Raiffeisen customer for a long time and even have a custody account because my grandfather once gave me a few shares (worth ~4500 today). Otherwise, I've always kept my money "only" in savings and private accounts. I'm not a big fan of bank advisors and when I hear the keyword "funds" and "exciting savings opportunities", I'm just basically quite suspicious. This also has to do with the fact that banks usually advertise the funds they manage anyway and I see their profit there rather than mine. Even if it is clear to me that they also want to/must earn money or a service also costs something. But I wonder whether the management fee is really necessary in view of the apparently hardly better long-term performance 😉

    Anyway, I am toying with the idea of investing more money (than before) instead of leaving it in the account. At the same time, I wonder what form then makes sense:

    1) Should I rather add individual stocks to my existing portfolio?
    2) Or is a service like Selma, TW or Rio better? These are de facto also "only" fund shares, right? And if so: rather Rio, since I'm already a RB customer or something else?

    Maybe someone here can give me a basic assessment 🙂 Thanks already!

    1. Hi, Supermario,

      I would recommend you use the services of Selma, TW and Rio. A friend of mine is very happy with TW. Simply look out for the product costs on top of the account fee (I discourage having total costs >1% unless you really want / need a specific product). Apply economic sense when picking products (diversify across markets, avoid weird markets like Russia unless you know why you buy it). Lastly, a very important aspect, is to apply dollar averaging: Invest continuously a small amount according to a fixed monthly schedule. Avoid large one-off buying / selling. You eliminate market timing risk and will sleep better. This approach would have navigated you well through the recent financial and covid crisis.


  7. It is funny that some commentators speak of a "gambler's portfolio", although Raiffeisen Rio, for example, is managed by a specialist team consisting of portfolio management, omen and advisors, and the money is invested transparently in the chosen investment strategy. Do you understand that, Eric?
    In my opinion the opposite!
    Ok, I wouldn't have that much confidence in a robot with autopilot, but I would with the Raiffeisen setup. And once again my opinion: I want the asset manager with the best performance, not just the one with the best performance. I only trust a strong partner for strategic and tactical asset allocation.
    You get the feeling that all of a sudden any computer geek can do portfolio management, I find funny.

    1. Hello St. Gallen / Alex 🙂
      I absolutely understand you Alex! What some people here have called "gambling" they probably meant more as "short-term / small sums / high equity exposure".
      As I said, active vs. passive is an open issue. There are hardly (almost no) asset managers in the world that manage to beat the index over 20-30 years. Nevertheless, there are arguments for active investment strategies and thus the approach of Rio 🙂 It is important to simply understand what the difference is and that everyone can form and express his own opinion.


  8. I think RIO is really cool. I find it exciting that the fees are so highly weighted here. If I pay 0.25% for the core portfolio and 0.20% for SELMA, I don't really mind. And to be honest, I'm more interested in what the bottom line is. If I'm paying 2% but earning 10%, and the competition only pays 1% but only has 7% in the bag, I'll take the expensive option.
    Conclusion: It all depends on the administration! I trust Raiffeisen's portfolio management more than a robot.

    1. Hello Alex, thank you for your opinion! 🙂
      Active or passive management will probably always remain a question of philosophy. Personally, I stick to the studies and favour passive management because "performance comes and goes, fees never fluctuate". Don't get me wrong - I'm happy for every happy Rio investor! 🙂

      Exciting reading material on the topic of active vs. passive is also available as an example in the Buffet bet


  9. Hello Eric

    I once set up a Rio depot. For me it is rather a small gambler's account and I opened fully on shares (95%). Since I am still otherwise broadly spread with Avadis. But I will start with only the minimum ( 5000.- ) to see how it behaves. And only make a few deposits, which may change over time.
    Right. The product costs are already a bit high. Therefore I will stay with the core component ( 0.3% ) and will not add any further focus topics.
    User-friendly it is absolutely. The app is also very clearly arranged and you can even make deposits from the app without going to e-banking first.
    To be honest, it does have its "price"! But according to my bank advisor, the fees could still fall, as Raiffeisen does the whole thing with the masses, if many customers invest in the same product, the fees could also be reduced. Let me be surprised and wait and see 🙂
    Greetings Thomas

    1. Hello Thomas 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your assessment and experience! I'm looking forward to seeing what else happens at Rio and what other focus topics will appear in the future. See you soon and best regards

  10. Hello, Eric.

    Once again, great neutral reporting from you. You give the Raiffeisen Rio App 4.1 of 5 points.
    What would you give Selma for an evaluation?

    And what do you personally recommend?

    Best regards from Solothurn


    1. Hello Bruno 🙂

      thank you for your good feedback!
      Selma's in the Review received a rating of 4.8. Of course, it has to be said that the criteria are probably weighted differently for each user. Selma's investment amount (CHF 2,000) is better for beginners in particular to get a feel for it. Furthermore, you can switch to sustainability without additional costs (focus topic at Rio). Sustainability is of course a topic in itself, as the term is not defined. Another crucial point was of course the fees / products used: As described, I would personally favour passive products. The lower costs do not have to be earned back through increased performance.

      Rio is nevertheless entitled to do so because the solution is user-friendly and very easily accessible, especially for Raiffeisen's existing customers. How do you see it, are you considering using Rio?


      1. Hello Eric:)

        Thank you very much for your statement, as I have currently invested in Selma and am very satisfied with the performance and service. I'm not considering joining Rio at the moment.

        Look forward to more blogs from you!

        Best regards

        But I will certainly always keep an eye on the changes in the Rio App.
        In the future, as a Raiffeisen customer, I could consider it as a "gambling account".

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