With the above online percentage calculators can easily calculate fractions and determine percentages.
We have subdivided the percent % calculators according to question and according to the Percentage decrease or increase.
Should you have a special case or the Percentage calculator Formulas you will find what you are looking for below. There you will find tips on calculating percentages and using the formulas.
% Calculator formulas and units:
W [%] = (p/100) x G
Percentage [%] = (percentage/100) x basic value
Example: Out of 30 apples, 5% apples have worms. How many apples are these?
W = (5/100) x 30 = 1.5 Apples have worms
To determine the basic value in percent, you can rearrange the formula as follows:
G = (W [%] x 100) / p
Example: 1.5 apples have worms. This corresponds to 5% of all apples. How many apples are there in total?
G = (1.5 x 100) / 5 = 30 apples
You can rearrange the percentage calculator formulas (according to the valid rules) as you like.
For example, you are looking for the formula for p?
p = (W / G ) x 100
or p in %?
p [%] = W / G
Percentage calculator Excel formulas:
Need more tips for the Percent Calculator Excel formula? Here there is a video tutorial.
When calculating percentages, the unit does not matter. So it doesn't matter if you want to calculate money or apples with the percent calculator. Percent is percent % and this is universally valid. By the way, the term percent comes from the Italian and means something like "of hundred".
With this information you will probably also understand why the conversion from 0.2 to 20% is done so casually above.
Are you still missing a percent calculator formula that you couldn't derive yourself? Or an online % calculator that you are still missing and would be useful for you?
Leave us a comment, we're happy to help!