Portfolio Performance Tutorial Switzerland Tracking Software Shares

Portfolio Performance Tutorial

portfolio performance is for those who invest on different platforms, or just want to keep a perfect overview of their investments.

The software is free and free of advertising and a extremely useful Tool, which we have been using for years!

You can enter all your stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, etc. here and track them clearly. To make it a little easier for you to get started with the program, we have provided you with a portfolio performance Tutorial recorded. Any other questions, we'll be happy to answer in the comments below!

Special advantages and notes on the Portfolio Performance App

  • Within the Portfolio Performance app, you can even add some Pillar 3a Securities Deposits Map and track
  • Thanks to the Asset allocation function you always know where you have accumulated which assets and can avoid cluster risks
  • Course tracking thanks to live data in the Portfolio Manager tool
  • At freely configurable dashboard you always see which current portfolio performance you have achieved
  • NEW since 2024: A portfolio performance mobile app is now available for iOS and Android!

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11 responses

    1. Hello Alain,
      There are detailed instructions on how to do this in the PP forum - but in my experience this does not always work. Especially because many pension index funds are only intended for institutional investors and are therefore probably not maintained in PP.
      But there are, for example, some Viac funds for PP.
      Feel free to share your experiences here if you find out more!

  1. Thanks for the tip! Can you make a statement about the comparison with GetQuin? Advantages/disadvantages?

    Thank you

  2. I'm new here.
    How can I enter the UBSETF Silver USD DIS, ISIN: CH0118929048, SIX Swiss Exchange (traded only in Switzerland) into the programme?
    Kind regards

    1. If you cannot find the security in PP, you can alternatively import the prices manually (e.g. in Excel format)

      1. Hello Eric
        Do you have an example? Where do I get the courses in Excel format and where do I import them? I'm a bit stumped.

        1. Hi André,
          on sites like Finanzen.net or Morningstar or other sites (Google helps) you can copy these if necessary and then save them as Excel.
          There are definitely instructions on YouTube or in the PP forum! 🙂

  3. Great tool, used it for a long time so far.
    But have now switched to folishare.com - it's an online tool.
    It's not as flexible as PP, but it's much faster to set up because the stock prices and allocations are stored automatically!

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