
Dormant accounts throughout Switzerland: Locating missing assets of deceased persons

Did you know that in Switzerland around 400 million francs are in accounts whose owners cannot be found?
In Germany we are talking about a sum between 2 and 4 billion euros.

A large part of these assets will presumably be deceased persons attributed to the No heirs or contact details had deposited.
In the next 3 minutes you will learn how you can easily find out if some of the above assets might even be waiting for you.

Let's discuss in advance what dormant accounts are and how you can find contactless assets throughout switzerland can!

Table of contents

Definition of dormant accounts and why they should be tracked down

Contactless accounts ombudsman switzerland dormant assets locate probate court switzerland inheritance find lost accounts where is inheritance estate accounts deceased

Dormant accounts are bank accounts that have not been used for a period of 10 years and on which there has been no activity. The bank will attempt to contact the account holder during this period. Were the attempts over Unsuccessful for 10 yearsthe account is initially considered to be contactless

If the account balance is over CHF 500 or the value of the assets is unknown (for example in the case of a safe deposit box), the bank must react. 

The bank must manage the assets in the interest of the client for another 50 years. If the last contact with the client is more than 60 years backthen she is Forced by lawto search the internet for the owner or possible heirs.

Often these are accounts whose owners are deceased or unknown. But why do these accounts have to be traced at all?

Quite simply: because it is important that the money in these accounts is paid out to the rightful heirs. This is not only ethically correct, but also serves to prevent the loss of assets, as otherwise the money would ultimately be accrue to the state would.

How to find lost assets thanks to dormantaccounts.ch

Are you also looking for lost assets? Or would you like to check whether you had a rich, distant aunt you didn't know about?

Then here's an exciting place for you to start: At dormantaccounts.ch must dormant accounts tendered be

Sometimes people forget that they still own assets that have simply been forgotten over the years.

This website will help you do that, Track down dormant accounts and inactive custody accountsfor which the rightful owner or owners are still being sought.
Who knows, maybe a bank is looking for you and wants to send you the estate of a distant relative! 🙂

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Ombudsman Switzerland: This office helps you find lost accounts of deceased persons

There was nothing in the advertisements on dormantaccounts.ch and you know that there must be assets somewhere?

Especially in the case of a recent death of a relative, you should go one step further. In this case, the account is not yet considered to have been dormant for 60 years and is therefore not listed in the directory.

In this case, you should contact the ombudsman's office. In Switzerland there is the Ombudsmanwhich will help you can help to find lost accounts.
You can get advice and support in finding assets from this association. You can contact the Swiss Ombudsman contact point via bankingombudsman.ch and there you can make a Commission an account search.

Locate assets of deceased persons

When a loved one dies, it can be difficult and complicated be whose Locate assets. Especially if the person has distributed the assets but has not neatly documented them.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to track down missing or forgotten assets:

  • Check bank and credit card statements: Check the bank and credit card statements of the deceased. Do any accounts or transactions turn up that could provide a lead?
  • Examine tax records and bank statements: Checking tax records and bank statements is another way to trace your person's estate. Any bills or legal documents left by a deceased person can provide important information about where their finances were kept before death.


Seek professional help: There are estate administrators and lawyers who specialise in helping families find the assets of their deceased relatives. Primarily also use the support of the Ombudsman.

What happens to the money from dormant accounts?

Is an account in Switzerland:

  1. For 10 years contactless
  2. And after 50 more years Classified as dormant
  3. And a Public publication unsuccessful for 1 year made without an owner or other rightful owner being found,
  4. May you rejoice! Yes, because then the Money to the state and thus benefits the community.

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Conclusion on dormant accounts switzerland

Forgotten assets or dormant accounts throughout Switzerland can be a very difficult task. complex task but it does not have to be.
With the right research, the Support from the Ombudsman and the right documents, the search for dormant accounts of a deceased person can become easier.

Contact points such as dormantaccounts.ch and the Ombudsman Switzerland You should definitely use it if you need support.

If after the waiting period laid down by law If no legal owner is found, the money goes to the state. If someone close to you dies, it may be worthwhile to do some research in good time.

Were you aware of all this and have you ever done a search for forgotten assets after a death? Or do you wonder what it will be like in 10-20 years when we all have secret crypto wallets?

Feel free to share your experiences in the comments!

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