maximum amount pillar 3a 2022 max contribution pillar 3a maximum amount pillar 3a maximum pillar 3a employed self

Maximum amount for pillar 3a 2025: How to make the most of your pension provision

Pension provision is a big and important topic, but it doesn't have to be complicated! Today we look at the best tips on how you can get the most out of your 3rd pillar. To answer many people's questions right here:

 Maximum amount pillar 3a 2025: CHF 7'258 for employees.

ImportantIn this article, we have worked out the best tips for you to get the most out of your Pillar 3a maximum amount!

If you have any more questions on the topic, we look forward to an exchange in the comments!

Table of contents

Maximum amount pillar 3a 2025 Summary

The maximum Pillar 3a 2025 amount is as follows: 

  • For insured persons with pension fund: CHF 7,258 in the year 2025
  • Without Pension FundCHF 36'288 (maximum 20% of net income) in 2025

Pillar 3a tips

Maximum amount pillar 3a 2021 Recommendation third pillar 3a

1st pillar 3a Maximum contribution paid in and paid in arrears

Pillar 3a: pay in the maximum amount! If you can afford it, pay the maximum amount into your 3rd pillar. This will maximise your tax savings and your expected pension. Remember: For every CHF 1,000 of capital invested, you will receive around CHF 200 - 400 back!

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2. 3a Securities instead of interest account

The days of fat interest rates are over! Inflation alone is already higher than the low interest rates that can be expected in 2025. Interest accounts still receive. If you are younger than 55, you should strongly consider why you don't want to invest in securities!

After all, if you still have a few years until retirement, you can ride out fluctuations in your 3a account. You'll soon be investing in a Home? You don't always have to have your 3rd pillar paid out for this, but can also have it seized if necessary. This means that securities in the 3a account are no problem.

The best pillar 3a recommendations for you

The best pillar 3a offer suits you. Depending on your risk tolerance, personal investment horizon and other factors, you should either opt for a 3a account, a 3a custody account or even for a 3a policy decide.

A pillar 3a with securities is almost always recommended for young people. In the large 3a comparison you will find the best offers.

3. multiple 3a accounts

You have probably heard about the staggered withdrawal of 3a accounts. It makes sense to open several 3a accounts in order to be able to withdraw them later in stages. Because if a 3a account is closed, it is always closed completely. In order not to burden your taxes unnecessarily later on, you draw them in staggered amounts. How you can make the best staggered withdrawal, you will learn in this post via the staggered reference.

As a rule of thumb, you can remember to open another 3a account after CHF 50,000 at the latest.

So there's nothing wrong with, say. Frankly and a Selma Account at the same time save. Just make sure that you do not exceed the maximum Pillar 3a amount and ideally use it to the full.

4. staggered withdrawal: withdraw pillar 3a on a staggered basis

Depending on the canton, the tax burden varies, but as a rule you can get by with a staggered reference save significantly on taxes. Seek advice or find out what makes sense in your case. If you can afford it, we also strongly recommend tip #5:

5. 3a account savings beyond retirement age

Sounds strange, but it's not! It's up to you when you want to withdraw your 3a account. This is because many providers allow you to transfer your securities to your private securities account when you retire. This allows you to let the money work for you for longer and, in the event of a stock market correction, simply wait for a better time. In this Contribution to interest Interest we have already explained this "8th wonder of the world". If you invest in securities in your 3a account, you can take advantage of the interest rate. Initially, the effect is small, but once you have seen the contribution, you will know what happens to your assets after a longer period of time.

If you bear this in mind, you will understand why a delayed 3a withdrawal makes sense. A few more years of investment will result in many thousands of francs more for you! Want an example?

CHF 6,500 per year, invested at 5% yield, after 30 years = CHF 453’445

CHF 6,500 per year, invested at 5% yield, after 33 years = CHF 546’435

Conclusion on the Pillar 3 2025 maximum amount

The Pillar 3a maximum amount 2025 offers you a wonderful opportunity to intelligently maximise your pension provision.

With a 3a contribution of CHF 7,258 for employees in 2025, you are laying the foundations for a solid retirement provision.

Our 3a Tips show you how you can get more out of your pension by paying in the maximum amount and choosing securities instead of a traditional interest account. Opening several 3a accounts and the strategic planning of the reference date enable you to effectively reduce your tax burden.

Remember, pension provision is not rocket science, it's easy to master with the right decisions. Start now and use the pillar 3a maximum amount 2025 to your advantage!

Do you have questions on the subject of pension provision?

Leave us a comment there!

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9 responses

  1. Hello, Eric,
    What about the maximum amount if you have several accounts? Can the maximum amount of CHF 7,056 be utilised for each account or spread over e.g. 4 accounts, i.e. approx. CHF 1750 per account per year?

    1. Hello Dean,
      No, this (unfortunately) applies per person. With all 3a accounts, you can therefore pay in a maximum of CHF 7,258 per year (2025).

  2. Hello Eric
    Thank you for the interesting article. I'm just starting out and would like to split my pillar 3a into several accounts. I still have a long investment horizon (I'm 29 years old), but I might want to buy my own home in the next few years. I am therefore unsure whether I should invest the entire pillar 3a. You write in this article about the possibility of a garnishment, do all banks accept this? Does this mean I can invest the entire 3a assets at risk? Or is it better to take less risk (equity component) with the account for a home? Thank you very much for your feedback.

  3. I am married (with children) and currently the sole earner. This means that I can only pay the maximum contribution "once". I have read that from an annual salary of (only) CHF 2300 my wife should also pay in (as she is liable for AHV from this salary). Is that correct? And would my wife therefore have to find a job for at least CHF 2300 a year and we would both be allowed to pay the maximum contribution and deduct it from our taxes? I can't find any clear information on this. Thank you very much.

    1. Correct, you can only pay in if you have an income that is subject to AHV contributions; this also applies to married persons.

  4. I am a satisfied customer of Descartes Vorsorge, which invests sustainably at 100%. I am all the more surprised that you do not mention this provider alongside Frankly and Selma. In contrast to the two providers mentioned, Descartes Vorsorge is the only independent digital provider in the pension sector. Moreover, Descartes Vorsorge offers not only sustainable pillar 3a solutions, but also vested benefits solutions.

    1. Hello Elena
      There are many (many) pension providers in Switzerland, and they will gradually find their place here. Schwiizerfranke should not only be a review platform, but also provide financial education and deal with other topics than just products.
      FYI to you: By the way, Descartes is not the only independent digital provider in the pension sector. We recently reviewed Finpension, for example, which is also completely independent and also offers vested benefits solutions.


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