Wage negotiation tips Switzerland

7 salary negotiation tips: Negotiate wages correctly!

Are you currently in the application process and not sure how much salary you should ask for in the interview? Or have you been working for the same employer for a while and would now like a Wage increase receive?

Then you've come to the right place. Because this article will give you the 7 best salary negotiation tipsto get one step closer to your dream income!

Table of contents

Preparation for wage negotiations

Before you go into a salary negotiation, you should be well prepared. A negotiation is based on the Exchange of arguments. So you can be sure that your counterpart will have counterarguments ready if you would like more pay.

That's why you should always look for good reasons first, why your salary is being increased right now would have to be. It's also best to think about how your boss will respond so that you can counter accordingly. Practise the conversation at home first to calm your nerves.

7 tips for salary negotiations

When it comes to negotiation Jack Nasher one of the most famous experts in the German-speaking world. In his books and lectures, he shares general advice on how best to prepare for such conversations.

We have summarised some of his most important tips and some general advice for salary negotiations here.

Choose the right time

Especially if you are already employed, the right time for the salary negotiation is often crucial. For example, your boss is much more likely to agree to this if you have just received a Project successfully completed or the entire team has a top quarter behind us.

However, a salary increase is more difficult if it has just been announced that the budget for your department has been cut. In this case, no matter how well prepared you are, it will probably be of little use, as there is simply no extra money available. But you should/can try anyway.

Argue based on facts

One of the most important salary negotiation tips is that you bring concrete figures and argue them based on facts. For example, you should inform yourself in advance about the usual salary level in your industry. Sites like Glasdoor.ch are very helpful for this.

Based on this, you can set a range for your desired salary.

It is now important that you present your arguments objectively and without too much emotion. The following points are suitable:

  • Increased responsibility: For example, if you will be taking over the project management instead of just working on the project, this is a strong argument in favour of a higher salary.
  • Above-average performance: Regardless of whether you are in a salary negotiation for a new job or have been employed for some time, above-average performance is a good basis for a higher salary request. This could be, for example, increased sales, established customer relationships or deputising for several other team members.
  • Further training: You can increase your level of knowledge and expertise through further training. This allows you to bring more value to your employer, which should also be remunerated accordingly.

Always remember: As a rule, line managers always have the task of leading a team as cost-effectively as possible. If someone does your work better than you and at a lower salary, your negotiating position is low. However, the opposite works the other way round. Ultimately, your boss must see the value of your work and see a salary increase as an investment in you.

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Rely on concrete successes

Your arguments should not only be fact-based, but should also always refer to concrete successes support. Here you should always emphasise those achievements that either directly serve your company or could be particularly useful for it.

A Clear documentation of your projects and their sustainable success helps you to conduct salary negotiations.

Use emotional intelligence

Although you should present your arguments based on facts, emotional intelligence is also an essential part of a good salary negotiation.

On the one hand, this means that you Do not be intimidated by the other side leaves. It's also best to look at alternatives so that you don't go into the interview in despair. (But be careful: The threat of dismissal usually backfires).

On the other hand, you should always friendly, objective but also with a positive mindset respond to counter-arguments.

Listen actively

Active listening will get you further in any type of negotiation, so it's not just one of the salary negotiation tips. It makes your counterpart feel taken seriously and therefore more open to your arguments.

This also includes the fact that you have to take the offered Listen to the complete package instead of sticking to your desired salary. It may be that the actual salary is lower than your desired salary. By Fringe benefitsHowever, you could end up receiving even more with fringe benefits. These can be bonuses, but also contributions to travel expenses, a company mobile phone, childcare or additional holiday days.

Use the anchor technique

One negotiating tactic that Jack Nasher particularly recommends is the Anchor technology.

You anchor a number in your counterpart's subconscious. This should be higher than your desired salary. If you then state this, it will sound directly favourable with the right reasoning, as the other person will still have the higher figure in the back of their mind.

While many negotiation experts recommend never mentioning the first number, you actually have to do so here. Because the first number always serves as an anchoron which all subsequent decisions are subconsciously based.

By the way, it works particularly well if you mention specific and odd numbers. Instead of asking for CHF 100,000, say that you think CHF 99,530 is fair based on your research. This communicates that you have calculated it carefully, which is why it is perceived as more plausible.

In this Video you will find more details on the anchor technique.

Negotiate every year

Our final salary negotiation tip is that you should negotiate every year. This is because salary negotiation is not only important in the application process, but is an ongoing process.

Due to inflation, money loses value every year and goods and services become more expensive. If you don't renegotiate your salary, you will effectively earn less every year. Negotiating more pay therefore only makes sense.

It is best to use our Inflation calculatorto find out how much your salary should increase.

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Concrete formulations for wage negotiations

A salary negotiation is a factual discussion which you should preferably relaxed, friendly and a little humorous lead. Formulations from the first-person perspective are particularly suitable. For example, you could say:

  • "I think it's important to receive a salary commensurate with my experience."
  • "According to my research, the salary for employees with my experience is around CHF xxx." (Anchor technology)
  • "I've heard that employees with my experience earn xxx in Zurich." (also good as an anchor, even if you work in the country and won't get the same salary as in Paradeplatz)
  • "As you just mentioned (active listening), I not only achieved my sales target last year, I even exceeded it. That's why I think it's important that the added value I bring to the company is also reflected in my salary."

Special salary negotiation tips for Switzerland

In Switzerland, you can use all the salary negotiation tips mentioned above.

However, you should also bear in mind that people in this country are generally reluctant to talk about money. It may therefore be difficult to get an idea of what salary is usual in your industry. Fortunately, there are some tools and websites online where you can find good information. Here are a few examples:

Do it if you don't get a pay rise straight away!

If you don't get a pay rise straight away, don't be disappointed. That's normal. If you want to negotiate your salary properly, you should be prepared for a longer process. But now you should Do not leave the conversation empty-handed.

Your line manager should now explain what it needsso that you get a pay rise. Then do a concrete plan with him, what must be achieved by whento get a better salary.
Finally, you make a Date in e.g. 3 months to analyse the interim results. and discuss your progress.

With this approach, you will get closer to your pay rise step by step in a fair way.

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Negotiating wages is not always a pleasant experience, but should be carried out regularly. This is especially true as the Inflation ensures that the money is worth a little less every year. If you don't renegotiate your salary, you will effectively earn less every year.

However, with these 7 tips for salary negotiations, you should be well prepared for the next interview. As is so often the case, preparation is half the battle.

Place your Desired salary fixed in advancesearch for fact-based arguments and use the Anchor technology. When you have finished the conversation Calm and empathetic and actively listen to your counterpart, you are well on your way to a higher salary.

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You should always prepare for salary negotiations so that you can go in with a cool head and strong arguments. Argue based on facts and use the anchor technique to achieve your desired salary.

It's best to take a look at the specific formulations further up in this article.

It is best to choose a good time and link the salary negotiation to this. Employee appraisals, for example, are a good time to do this. If you have performed particularly well and perhaps even increased the company's turnover, you can use this as an opening argument for a higher salary.

2 responses

  1. Hello Eric

    Many thanks for the article. I will certainly use the tips in my next salary negotiation.

    Do you happen to know why people in German-speaking countries are so reluctant to talk about wages? I remember when I worked in Germany that all my employment contracts contained an (ineffective) clause stating that I was not allowed to discuss my salary with anyone. However, I haven't seen this in Switzerland, yet everyone here keeps their salary secret.

    In Russia, for example, the salary is often shown directly on the job advert.

    1. Hello Dennis,

      Thank you for your message!
      The topic of wages is indeed a sensitive one in German-speaking countries. There are various reasons why people are so reluctant to talk about it. One of the main reasons is cultural conditioning. In many German-speaking countries, including Switzerland, it is rather unusual to talk about money or how much you earn. It is often seen as impolite or inappropriate because it is considered very personal information.

      Even if such clauses, as you know them from Germany, are often Not legally enforceable are, they contribute to the development of a culture of silence. In the past, employers have often tried to avoid discussions about salaries in order to prevent dissatisfaction or competition among employees.

      It is interesting to note that in other countries, such as Russia, the salary is often already stated in the job advert. This shows how different the culture surrounding the topic of salary can be in different countries.

      Thank you for your exciting input and good luck with your next negotiation!

      Best regards,

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