Do you also feel that the Inflation slowly felt? Whether in the Migros, at the petrol station or with the electricity bill, the Cost of living in Switzerland on the rise on and on.
But don't worry, because in this post you will get Three important tips for getting more out of your money in the short term. If you follow the practical steps and look at the possibilities of the Account model automation you can improve your financial housekeeping with little effort.
So let's start directly with one of the most important points!
When the Inflation rises, mostly rise also the interest. And so it is now.
To counteract inflation, it is therefore important to inform yourself about Interest and various bank accounts to inform.
Because with short-term savings targets you can invest your money risk-free and benefit from attractive interest rates profit. Whether you can increase your money in the short term is another question. But at least you can counteract inflation to some extent.
So it pays to invest time in researching and choosing the best bank accounts.
To Do`s:
You can make some Save money, by avoid unnecessary fixed costs. For example, you should avoid subscription traps and unnecessary insurance policies.
So before you sign a new contract, you should carefully check whether you really need the services. Remember that even small monthly subscription costs can add up over the course of a year.
Example: Do you really need Netflix, Apple TV+, Disney+ and Sky?
Also Fees for bank accounts and credit cards can accumulate to a significant amount over time. Therefore, check whether you have options to reduce your Bank-Reduce costs or even to be avoided altogether.
Tip: Free bank accounts such as Zak from Bank Cler cost you no ongoing fees and pay you attractive interest on your savings.
These small steps can help you More money in your account at the end of the month and can afford to spend more money again.
An account model? How is that supposed to help me?
When you have Basics of budgeting you will be better prepared to manage your spending and increase your savings.
Did you know that there are account models that can help you with this? Achieve savings targets and sensible savings pots to put on?
With the help of savings pots and, for example, a bank account of Zak you can use your Manage finances better and invest your money profitably in the short term.
So take the time to understand the basics of budgeting and find an account model that fits your needs perfectly!
A very popular account model is the one already presented here 6-account modelwhich you are welcome to take a look at.
When you have Savings tips and investment strategies in this blog post, you should be able to make intelligent decisions about where and how to park your money in the short term and benefit from interest. Here again in a nutshell:
The crucial thing is that you Take responsibility for your finances and actively take care of your money.
This has always been important, but now it is even more so. So why not start today?
Transparency note: This article was created in collaboration with Zak from Bank Cler. The content and presentation have nevertheless been freely and independently created by Schwiizerfranke.
The information on Zak is intended exclusively for persons domiciled in Switzerland. A Zak account can only be opened with domicile in Switzerland.