Insurances are mostly uninteresting until they are needed. The fact that household insurance is mandatory only applies to some cantons, but it is nevertheless extremely important and partly required by the landlord.
From our readers came again and again questions like: What insures a home insurance or what is the best home insurance Switzerland-wide? We try in this article to clarify everything around this insurance and even provide a small Home Insurance Comparison Switzerland on.
If you have any more questions on the topic, we look forward to an exchange in the comments!
Often the question came from you Home insurance what is covered? The above simplified explanation already shows very well what a household insurance covers. A household insurance insures the movable goods and chattels within one's own four walls. Of course, there are exceptions and limits, as well as inclusions (partly items in the garden or basement). We therefore want to divide into the following two categories: Standard protection and Additional protection.
It is not possible to say in general whether household insurance is mandatory. Depending on the place of residence, the canton may make household insurance mandatory. By the way, a landlord can also require this in the rental contract.
As far as the cantons are concerned, the Cantons of Nidwalden and Vaud most stringent. In these two cantons, household insurance is mandatory with regard to fire and natural hazards. By the way, elementary damages are weather damages like damages caused by storm or flood.
In all other cantons, household insurance is not mandatory, but highly recommended depending on the value of the furnishings. Because a burglary or water damage can otherwise quickly lead to private insolvency.
What is the best home insurance in Switzerland was regularly asked by readers. Generalizations are usually always wrong - including this one. Just as there is no such thing as the best cell phone or the most beautiful country, there is also no such thing as the best household insurance in Switzerland. Rather, we need to examine how home insurance can be compared and assessed. To do this, we need to know which risks are high for you personally and should be insured.
Therefore, let's look at how to compare home insurance and thus find a suitable offer.
Anyone who decides to take out household insurance or is forced to do so (by the canton or landlord) should obtain various quotes in order to compare and find a suitable household insurance policy.
For this purpose, we have asked various insurance providers direct entered our data (such as place of residence, size of apartment, value of furnishings, etc.) and had quotes prepared. Only then did we switch to the comparison portal Comparis, where we found the following: The offers displayed on Comparis were more expensive. Although Comparis also first asked for data such as place of residence, etc., the results were different.
Why? Comparis had included additional filters on the results page that had not been queried before. (About: Simple theft away from home: CHF 2'000 // Insure bicycles and sports equipment at replacement value: Yes). We had not selected these additions in the query and they were then simply selected automatically in the results. If you are not careful here, you will quickly insure yourself higher than originally planned. We do not want to denigrate Comparis here, but only to show that an own insurance comparison is always useful.
Furthermore, it is not directly displayed which insurance companies are used for the comparison. The most suitable and cheapest insurance for our personal case was never found via Comparis.
So comparison services have their weaknesses, which is why we want to show 3 tips and criteria to be able to find a home insurance that suits you. The You should obtain offers directly from the providers for comparison purposes (this is usually simple and straightforward, directly on their website).
If you are looking for quotes for home insurance, you will always be confronted with the sum insured. This should reflect the value of your items to be insured. If the sum insured is lower, this is referred to as underinsurance. In this case, only part of the costs would be covered in the event of damage.
It is therefore advisable to correctly assess the standard of furnishings in order to be able to avoid underinsurance. By the way, if you increase your standard of living over time, you should also increase the sum insured.
Insurance policies often differ in the fine print. Therefore, you should consider which aspects your household insurance should cover and then compare them in detail.
For example, you have an expensive bike? Then check whether bicycles are uncovered and insured up to replacement value. Savings potential: You don't have an expensive bike? Then you don't need any special insurance coverage at this point.
If you want to buy a homeowner's insurance at a reasonable price, you have to compare apples with apples. So before you make a price comparison, make sure that the same (for you personally important) insurance modules are included and the sum insured is comparably high. Only then is a comparison really possible and the best home insurance for you personally can be found throughout Switzerland.
Below, we have listed cheap Swiss home insurance policies that had attractive benefits, at least for our case. This does not necessarily apply to you personally, so you should make a comparison.
Those who move also have the protection of homeowner's insurance during the move. Important to note: Within 30 days of moving, you must report your new address to the insurance company. This is because the insurance always applies specifically to the location or the apartment/house and will then probably vary in its cost after the move.
In Switzerland, we are often overinsured. However, household insurance is sometimes mandatory and often makes a lot of sense. Comparison portals do not always provide the best result when it comes to finding the best household insurance. In the end, therefore, you should always make the comparison yourself, which is why we have provided tips on how to compare insurance.
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