It's the middle of the month, your account balance is already much closer to 0 than you'd like, and you haven't invested either. Does this sound familiar?
Then you could Financial routines help. In principle, a financial routine is simply a financial habitthat you can use without much thought. This way, you'll have your finances under control without any headaches.
In this article you will find 5 simple tipshow you can integrate financial routines into your life with little effort and thus save time and money.
One of the most important routines is the Budget control. An overview of your monthly income and expenditure helps you to quickly identify unnecessary expenses and optimise your savings rate.
The best thing to do first is to List of your monthly expenses. Divide them into mandatory monthly recurring payments, such as rent and health insurance, and optional expenses, e.g. for shopping or holidays.
Then set these in Relation to your income. If your expenses are higher than your income, cut back on the optional payments. If there is anything left over, you can use it for one of the other financial routines.
Here is a table as an orientation for recording your finances:
Category | Amount (CHF) |
Revenues | |
Salary | |
Other income | |
Total revenue | |
Fixed expenses | |
Rent/housing costs | |
Health insurance | |
Insurances | |
Transport | |
Total fixed expenses | |
Variable expenses | |
Food | |
Leisure/entertainment | |
Shopping | |
Total variable expenses | |
Total expenditure | |
(fixed + variable expenses) | |
Income - expenses | |
(total income - total expenses) | |
Savings amount |
Tip: Use an app like Zakin order to Automatically categorise expenses. This allows you to see at a glance how much you spend on food, leisure or fixed costs. You can also set Zak to automatically allocate a certain amount to a category on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
If you have money left over after deducting all your expenses, you can use it as a savings rate. Set yourself savings goals and work systematically towards it. Saving is easiest when you are actually pursuing a specific goal.
For example, you could save for your next trip, a car or a house. Or you can put money aside to invest and benefit from a return.
If your current salary only just covers your expenses, it's best to start small. Just 50 or 100 francs a month can add up to a considerable sum over the years.
Tip: With the Zak App you can create specific savings goals. These are displayed as separate categories and you can see at a glance how far away you are from your goal.
Once you have set your savings goals, you need to pursue them consistently. The best way to do this is to set up a Standing order on your savings account or your investment portfolio.
Tip: After you are in Zak Once you have set your savings goals, you can set up a regular automatic allocation straight away. This means you no longer have to think about it and your savings pots fill up automatically, so to speak.
Pillar 3a is not only useful for optimising your retirement provision, but you can also optimise your Payments can also be deducted from taxes. It is therefore worth including this in your budget planning and also setting up automatic deposits.
Tip: At Zak you can easily set up standing orders for your pillar 3a account. Or you can use the Pillar 3a from Zakwhich you can find in the app under "Prevention".
With your Budget planning and control you may have noticed some subscriptions and payments to insurance companies. With subscriptions in particular, it can happen that you have taken out one and then don't actually use it.
It is therefore essential that you regularly check whether there is anything that you no longer use and could therefore cancel.
Especially for Insurances is also worth a Annual provider comparison. You can save money with the premiums, which you can then allocate to your savings quota.
Remember that you can always adjust your basic health insurance until the end of November for the following year. However, longer deadlines apply to supplementary insurance, which can be up to 6 months.
Tip: Use Zakto keep an eye on your subscriptions and insurance policies. You can use the search function to quickly find the relevant payments and assign them directly to a category. So you always have an overview.
These 5 financial routines will help you win without stress and with little effort control over your finances.
With Zak you can implement these financial routines particularly well. Because the app not only gives you a Good overview about your income and expenses, but also makes it possible, Define goals and a Automatic allocation to be set up.
As soon as everything is set up, many things run automatically and you don't have to worry about (almost) anything.
Transparency note: This article was created in collaboration with Zak from Bank Cler. The content and presentation have nevertheless been freely and independently created by Schwiizerfranke.
The information on Zak is intended exclusively for persons domiciled in Switzerland. A Zak account can only be opened with domicile in Switzerland.