Best Financial Blogs Switzerland 2021 Financial Literacy swiss

Best Swiss financial blogs 2024

A few keystrokes on Google and Million from Articles all around the topic of finance pop up.

If you want to find your way through this jungle on the Search for the most liveable and Best Swiss Finance Blogs you have to go deep into the thicket.

Schwiizerfranke itself is one of the largest and most popular finance blogs in Switzerland. That's why other Swiss finance bloggers are best known and I can name a few.

Here you will find the list "Best financial blogs Switzerland 2024«! 

Table of contents

Best financial blogs Switzerland 2024 1

Overview of blogs worth reading and criteria for evaluation

There are also numerous financial blogs in Switzerland, so we had to examine and sort out quite a few for the article "Best financial blogs in Switzerland".

Tastes are different and so here you will find a selection of Swiss finance blogs for every taste. Minimalist and simple, overloaded but up to date, especially for women ... the choice is wide!

To ensure that you can only follow the really relevant blogs in 2024, we have decided on the following criteria:

  • For its respective target group, the blog should be the best financial blog in Switzerland according to the following criteria:
  • Correctness and Topicality the article
  • Appealing Notation and Design with insightful Content
  • Regular Posts and Interaction with the readers

Important: The order is not judgmental!

  • Subject: Financial freedom 
  • Language: English and Italian
  • Content and assessment: The Italian software developer Giorgio has the goal of escaping his job. He wants to be financially independent and shares his investment story quite transparently with his readers. A bar shows how far he has come in building his passive income (now 100%) and he also sells coaching on the topic. The idea and concept of the blog are very amusing and exciting! Yes, the design and clarity are not at the top end of the scale, but the entertaining and informative financial blog entries make up for it! 
Best financial blogs Switzerland 2020 Retire in Progress

Our financial tips 2024

"Intelligent people learn from the mistakes of others".

We have compiled our top selection for you from all our tests and experience reports:

  • Subject: Passive investing and financial freedom
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Self-praise is rarely good, but those who do good should also talk about it. Enough of the proverbs 🙂 Thanks to nominations, we are also adding ourselves to this list.
    Schwiizerfranke was founded in 2019 and is now clearly one of the best Swiss financial blogs of 2024 in terms of rating and reach!
    To this end, we always try to be informative, entertaining and visually appealing in order to offer maximum added value.
    After many years of investing and practice and an official exam to become an investment advisor, you should receive absolutely practical financial knowledge for implementation here.
    The topics? From Investment, until the Retirement, Save taxes, financial freedom and much more! But make your own judgement of Schwiizerfranke and let us know what you think belongs on the list of "best financial blogs in Switzerland".
  • Subject: Financial education and saving tips 
  • Language: English
  • Content and assessment: The Swiss are poor, according to the financial blog of Baptiste. He and his wife have set themselves the goal of being financially free before 50 and therefore save half of their income. Many blog entries are about saving and bargain hunting. Poor Swiss definitely belongs on a list of the best Swiss financial blogs, because the articles are informative and excitingly written! 
  • Subject: Active investment in individual shares
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Perhaps a little too visually filled for some, but not to be underestimated in terms of content, is the blog of Thomas, the Spar Coyote. The minimalist runs his YouTube channel and blog with great effort. He doesn't shy away from anything, also collaborates with German YouTubers and blogs very regularly. A capitalist's heart definitely beats faster when you see Thomas' vigour, which is why we consider him to be one of the best Swiss financial bloggers of 2024.

Our financial tips 2024

"Intelligent people learn from the mistakes of others".

We have compiled our top selection for you from all our tests and experience reports:

  • SubjectFinancial education, investments and income tips 
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Although Fabio has a knack for blogging, his Blog has been less regularly filled with new contributions recently. But there is all the more content in his entertaining financial podcast, which offers a great deal of added value! You can tell that Fabio puts a lot of effort into his content and research. As a trained financial planner, he knows what he's talking about and always provides valuable practical tips! 
  • Subject: Financial education with depth
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Reto writes easily understandable, illustrates simply and beautifully and has a knack for finances. His Financial deposit-He started his blog in 2020 and has been moving steeply upwards ever since. Why? Serious content and recommended financial education make his blog one of the best in its category, in our opinion! 
  • Subject: Investing in individual shares
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Oliver focuses with his blog Simplemoney on investments in individual stocks and product comparisons. You quickly realise that he has a technical background, as his articles contain plenty of depth. If you haven't read it yet: a clear recommendation!
  • SubjectPassive income
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Helga may not have a finance background, but she has already built up a considerable dividend portfolio. On her blog Love finances she shares her path to passive income. In the process, she writes about sources of income on the internet, dividend shares and other exciting topics!
  • Subject: Finances for women
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Angela had no connection to the topic of finance, but then decided to make more of her money. Today, she shows other women how to optimise their provision and financial situation in general. Her Podcast and also their Blog are especially popular with women (but not only).
  • SubjectFinances (especially pension provision) for women
  • Language: German
  • Content and assessment: Melina has been working in the financial sector since 2004 and wants to support women in matters of finance with her own platform. On Melina's Blog and Instagram channel, there are numerous helpful and beautifully designed posts on topics such as motherhood, retirement provision for women and the gender gap.
  • Subject: Active and passive investment 
  • Language: English
  • Content and assessment: Very entertainingly written, nicely animated and kept up to date, appears Investing Hero for the Swiss market! Especially the length and many memes make the blog entertaining.
  • Unfortunately, very little content has come from Investinghero recently. Hopefully this will change again soon!

Conclusion "Best financial blogs in Switzerland 2024"

There are countless other finance and money blogs to mention. Just because a blog is not listed here does not mean that it is not good or not worth reading! But in today's flood of information, it certainly helps to have found a certain pre-selection.

In our opinion, the investment blogs presented above are very relevant for their respective target groups and are also worth mentioning in 2024 due to their topicality!

"Best Finance Blogs Switzerland" is not an ironclad competition, but is intended to give you ideas and bring some order to the jungle.

We hope to inspire you and look forward to your tips for finance blogs worth reading!

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13 responses

  1. Thanks for the overview - there is always so much to learn. I also really like www. become-wealthy.ch for example 😀

  2. This blog just has very informative and wonderful content. I will love to read all updates.

  3. Hi,
    Your blog is awesome. I love to read your post. I appreciate you to continue your hard work. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  4. Thanks for the listing, very interesting. I personally still follow finanzuhu on Insta. He comes from Züri and also the blog is slowly: finanzuhu

  5. Wonderful Information about Finance. Loved the Article. Thank you so much for sharing such nice and usefull information.

  6. Thanks for the listing of the different blogs. There were a few, which I did not know yet, but I will certainly visit more often in the future.

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