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Online bank comparison Switzerland

Best bank account 2025

There are around 250 banks in Switzerland and yet many people in your neighbourhood probably use the same banks. When choosing a bank, you should ask yourself what YOU expect from a bank and what YOUR typical approach to money looks like because what is the best bank for your neighbour may be the worst choice for you.

So that you don't have to check all Swiss banks, here is a selection for you. The Bank account comparison Switzerland focusses on online banks and has considered the following criteria: Low fees, payment options (Apple Pay, Google Pay etc.), cash withdrawals, security, interest rates and other relevant aspects.

Either start directly in the overview, or go to the bank account finder, which asks you questions and can make a preselection for you.

Best bank account wanted:

Top selection in online bank comparison throughout Switzerland

Last updated on 24.03.2025

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Up to +0.25% interest

Pay & Invest

Multiple currencies

Cash free 1x / week

Savings pots & savings plans

🇨🇭Deposit protection

Free insurance

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Neon bench


Up to +0.1% interest

Lowest total fees

Free cash withdrawals

mobile payment

Ideal for abroad

🇨🇭Deposit protection

Partner account with second card

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Up to +0.75% interest

Savings & Subaccounts

Free cash withdrawals

mobile payment

Branches (Bank Cler)

🇨🇭Deposit protection

Inexpensive abroad

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+0.275% interest (from CHF 125,000 up to +1.0%)

Multiple currencies

Extremely favourable exchange rates

Personalised asset management

Metal debit card

🇨🇭Deposit protection

Free cash withdrawals & mobile payment

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Round up & Invest

Low exchange rates

Multiple savings goals

Personalized card

🇨🇭Deposit protection

Interest on credit balances

Mobilepay & Subaccounts

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Multiple currencies

Ideal for abroad

Cash free up to 200€ / month

Euro account

Interest on credit balances

CH Customer service

Deposit protection only up to EUR 22,000 in Lithuania

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💰 InterestUp to +0.25% interestUp to 0.1%Up to +0.75% interest+0.275% interest (from CHF 125,000 even up to +1.0%)⭕️⭕️
✅ Free account management✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
🏧 Free cash withdrawal✔️✔️✔️⭕️⭕️⭕️
🔒Deposit protection🇨🇭 CHF 100,000 with Swissquote Bank🇨🇭 CHF 100,000 with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg🇨🇭 CHF 100,000 with Bank Cler🇨🇭 CHF 100,000 at ALPIAN SA🇨🇭 CHF 100,000 with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg🇱🇹 EUR 22,000 Revolut Bank UAB in Lithuania
👍🏻 Special advantages- Low total fees
- Virtual Subaccounts
- Precautions, Save & Invest in an app
- Free insurance included
- 🇨🇭Schweizer Deposit protection
- Lowest total fees
- Ideal for Abroad
- Virtual Subaccounts
- AI budget analyses
- Partner account available for a fee
- 🇨🇭Schweizer Deposit protection
- High interest rates to savings account
- Virtual Subaccounts
- Savings pots can be shared with others free of charge (similar to a Partner account)
- 🇨🇭Schweizer Deposit protection
- Multi-currency account
- Ideal for abroad
- Personalised Asset management possible
- Metal debit card
- 🇨🇭Schweizer Deposit protection
- Low exchange rate fees
- Saving through Automatic rounding up
- Virtual savings targets
- Personalised card
- 🇨🇭Schweizer Deposit protection
- Multi-currency account
- Ideal for abroad
- Many functions for Investments
- Euro account
👎🏻 DisadvantagesExchange rate fees could be lowerLow interest ratesExchange rate fees could be lower- No free cash withdrawals possible.
- Mobile payment not yet fully developed.
- No free cash withdrawals possible.
- Mobile payment not yet fully developed.
- No Swiss deposit protection
- no TWINT
- Expensive cash withdrawals
- Top-up costs up to 1.5% for Swiss customers
⭐️ ValuationOnline Bank Comparison Switzerland: View Top 3 Selection Now! 1Online Bank Comparison Switzerland: View Top 3 Selection Now! 1Online Bank Comparison Switzerland: View Top 3 Selection Now! 1Online Bank Comparison Switzerland: View Top 3 Selection Now! 4Online Bank Comparison Switzerland: View Top 3 Selection Now! 5Online Bank Comparison Switzerland: View Top 3 Selection Now! 5
🔎 Test reportTo the test reportTo the test reportTo the test reportTo the test reportTo the test reportTo the test report

Which is the best bank in Switzerland?

A big question with a simple answer: The best bank in Switzerland is the one that suits you best.

Many Swiss banks offer very similar services and yet differ significantly in their price structure. Therefore, make sure which bank offers fair conditions in the areas that are important to you.

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What is most important to you personally?

  • Do you like travelling abroad? Then good exchange rates and preferably no surcharges on payments outside Switzerland are attractive for you. Neon, Alpian and Kaspar& offer extremely attractive exchange rates abroad. As both use Mastercard, Revolut (Visa) would be suitable as an emergency card.
  • Mobile Payment? Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay make purchases ever more convenient. Looking for the best bank for private customers in Switzerland? Choose a bank that offers all digital payment functions. In comparison, this is offered by Zak, Neon, Yuh or Revolut (Visa). 
  • Only cash is real? If you withdraw cash regularly, look for a way to withdraw cash as easily and free of charge as possible. Neon, Yuh and Zak offer you free cash withdrawals in Switzerland.
  • Partner account wanted? You want to share an account with another person? Some Swiss banks offer very inexpensive partner cards. Neon offers a fully-fledged partner account and with Zak there is at least a trick to split the savings pots.
  • What counts for you? Examine your payment behaviour and ask yourself what an ideal bank should offer you at a reasonable price. Include these points in your personal bank comparison Switzerland.

Savings interest rate comparison historical

Paying attention only to the fees can be an expensive mistake:

The best online bank in Switzerland should not only have low fees, but also pay good interest ratesThe historical bank interest rate comparison shows you how high the interest rates on the accounts were in the past.

On the one hand, you can see that inflation is almost always higher than the interest on your account. You can also recognise which bank pays particularly fair interest rates. In studies, for example Yuh because it offers a successful mix of favourable fees and fair interest rates.

Fair interest rates? Yes, because the Swiss National Bank (SNB) is currently giving banks positive interest on their deposits. However, not all banks are passing these benefits on to us customers in full.
(Example: The base rate is 1% but your bank pays you 0%? Then it earns 1% on your savings and may even charge you fees for account management).

The bottom line: Regularly check which bank offers you the best conditions. Especially in times of rising living costs, it can make a big difference whether your money only earns minimal interest or whether you benefit from better offers.

Top selection according to the amount of interest
0.75% with Zak savings account (with withdrawal limit)
0.275% with Alpian (+0.275% interest (only from CHF 1250,000 up to +1.0%)
0.25% at Yuh
0.10% for Neon (0.1% for the first CHF 25,000, 0% thereafter)

Neo Banks Comparison Switzerland

Purely digital banks are often referred to as neo banks. Some of them offer bundled and clearly arranged all their functions and services within a smartphone app.

If you want to compare neobanks, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Online bank fees: Neo banks are often chosen to minimise fees. Look especially at the Account management fees comparison because every bank has to earn money. Neon was calculated and chosen by Moneyland as the cheapest account for the average Swiss.
  • Payment options: Will Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay be offered? Our selection currently includes Neon, Zak, Yuh and Revolut. Many cantonal banks and major banks are not yet technically advanced in this area.
  • Cash: Sometimes cash is unavoidable. Are there free cash options? Revolut offers free cash withdrawals up to €200 per month. Neon doesn't care about the amount, but limits it to twice a month. Zak offers them free of charge at Bank Cler.
  • Useful functions: Are eBill, TWINT or low-cost international transfers offered, for example? Neon, for example, has integrated Wise and thus offers extremely inexpensive international transfers.
  • Safety: Does Neo Bank offer Swiss deposit insurance? How secure is the online banking? Can you block the card in the app and is there two-factor authentication? In the selection above, all Neo banks (except Revolut) are Swiss banks and offer deposit insurance up to CHF 100,000 through their partner banks.

Use the following bank account finder to make your personal online bank Switzerland comparison:

Maximum exchange rate fees [%]

NoteEach bank calculates and characterises the exchange rate fees differently, making a direct and uniform comparison very difficult.

For example, Alpian's exchange rate fees are different during the week than on weekends (0.5%). At Neon, the exchange rate surcharges are between 0.4% - 1.3% and can therefore be lower than at Alpian.

This presentation is therefore only simplified overview of the maximum exchange rate fees show.

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Strong 🇨🇭 online bank with savings or sub-accounts and other exciting features

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Very attractive interest on credit balances, multi-currency account and favourable exchange rates. 🇨🇭

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Paying, rounding up and investing in one app? With Kaspar& convenient possible! 🇨🇭

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Not from Switzerland, but well suited as a supplement to Neon etc. for travelling.

Is there a best account nationwide?

As already mentioned, there is no general answer to this question, but we can present our favourites. A possibly best account in Switzerland for us is either the Neon Bank account or the Zak Bank account from our selection in the Neo Banks category.

Neon belongs for us in this selection, since Free cash withdrawal and this thanks to Sonect is easily available everywhere. Twint, eBill, mobile payment, joint account and extreme good Foreign conditions speak in favour of Neo. Overall, Neo Bank (with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg as a partner bank) can be recognised as the best account in Switzerland. favorable account for the average Swiss.

For readers from Germany: Here you can find a Girokonto mit Prämie, if you would like to open an account in Germany.

Private accounts with a Swiss bank with savings pots and more

Zak with Bank Cler in the background also offers a very attractive range and convinces, for example, with savings pots (flexible sub-accounts). Furthermore, offers such as a Pillar 3a Depot offered for retirement planning directly in the Zak app. Zak customers can also visit the branches of Bank Cler for consultation appointments or otherwise. Zak thus offers digital banking with the convenience of a house bank.</span

Alpian and Kaspar& do not focus their services exclusively on banking. This can be seen, for example, in the fact that cash withdrawals are not free of charge. However, both providers offer many functions for Saving and investing. Alpian is characterised by particularly attractive interest rates. We therefore see Alpian and Kaspar& as a good match, especially because of the low interest rates. Exchange rates. As a main account, they are not yet suitable for our taste, as some important functions such as mobile payment are still missing.

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Online Bank Experience

For a long time, it was normal for many people to have a local bank where they had a permanent contact person for any issues. Money was deposited or withdrawn in cash and questions were asked at the counter or meeting room.

More and more digitization means that banking is also becoming more and more digital. This offers decisive advantages for us customers and the banks. Because the Costs for a bank account are drastically reducedif expensive property in good locations does not have to be paid for everywhere. Bank advisors are also not as expensive if they advise a larger customer radius digitally than if people have to be employed in every branch. If it feels strange for you to have your first online banking experience in Switzerland, keep your account with your main bank first. A Digital bank account can be an excellent addition (for example through attractive conditions abroad). Only when you feel really confident should you consider cancelling your existing account.

A specialized Swiss online bank pays close attention to the needs of their customers and knows how to ensure a positive online banking experience even via digital or telephone channels.

We have been testing Swiss online banks for Schwiizerfranke for years and have had almost only positive online bank experiences so far.

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Führende🇨🇭Neo Bank with investments, sub-accounts, mobile payment and good interest rates!

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Strong 🇨🇭 online bank with savings or sub-accounts and other exciting features

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Very attractive interest on credit balances, multi-currency account and favourable exchange rates. 🇨🇭

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Paying, rounding up and investing in one app? With Kaspar& convenient possible! 🇨🇭

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Not from Switzerland, but a good addition to Zak, Alpian or Yuh.

Conclusion: Which is the best bank in Switzerland

The best bank in Switzerland fulfils your personal requirements for a bank that is as inexpensive, secure and uncomplicated as possible. You know best which of the above online banks in Switzerland suits you best. Since every bank charges fees somewhere, pay attention to your usage behaviour and you will find the cheapest bank in Switzerland for you.

You can find the best bank account for you throughout Switzerland using the above points of reference and criteria for comparison. Pay attention to Hidden fees and especially the cost of the services that are most important to you personally.

Today, you can also find fair conditions at a cantonal bank and some major banks even offer an account without account management fees. However, these usually lack technical functions such as mobile payment, savings pots or, of course, attractive interest rates.

Neo banks offer inexpensive solutions and offers such as those from Zak bridge the gap between Neo Bank and a house bank with branches. It is also important to have interest on credit to counteract inflation. You can currently get the most attractive interest rates from our top selection at Alpian.

Are purely digital or smartphone banks a welcome solution for you? Or do you prefer the combination - for example, a UBS account in Combination with an online bank? Or would you prefer to rely purely on a traditional bank with local contacts? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments!

Bank comparison FAQ

Partner accounts and second cards are still not very common at Neo Banks in Switzerland. The pioneer is the Neon partner account (Neon Duo) for CHF 3 per month per person. Zak has a function for shared savings pots, but this is not a fully-fledged joint account.

Many traditional banks also offer secondary cards, but fees should be compared well.

There are some other exciting ways to earn attractive interest on your savings without having to tie up or invest the money.
Here are some options:

The Radicant experience report is in progress. As Radicant is still very new, we are still gathering Radicant experience and do not want to write a review prematurely.

Compared to the accounts above, many important functions are of course still missing. Radicant is therefore not yet a replacement for Yuh, Neon or Zak, for example.

The conclusion so far: Very exciting! Especially the Interest of 1.25% are very attractive. 

If you would also like to test Radicant, please use the Radicant voucher code e70ec2 at CHF 50 starting credit as a gift!

With the current account, there are differences in the fees, as well as in the functions. Sub-accounts, free cash withdrawals at third-party ATMs and other aspects should be considered when asking "which is the best bank in Switzerland".

If you want to answer this question purely in terms of fees, the best Swiss bank for private customers is Neon Bank. Moneyland has chosen Neon as the cheapest bank in an independent comparison.
According to other criteria, a private account comparison is less measurable and therefore not really meaningful. Therefore, find the best online bank for you and make your personal private account comparison.

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30 responses

  1. Honestly, all these neo-banks are not really useful for real bank customers. I have one bank, one contact person, one app for EVERYTHING. Sure, I might pay a few francs more, but it's worth it! The bottom line is that I still get more. As a MemberPlus customer at my Raiffeisenbank in the Middle Rhine Valley, I receive all accounts + debit card free of charge, can use digital asset management including a savings plan function with Raiffeisen Rio, have integrated TWINT, can visit virtually any museum in Switzerland free of charge, received 4% on my share certificate, have a flexible mortgage solution, if something is wrong, I call or go by and it is taken care of. What do you save with your 7 different apps on your mobile phone? 200 francs a year? People here want to save a bit, but at the same time lease a BMW for 900 a month - absurd. Everyone as they wish... in the long term, quality, stability and safety pay off. That's why not everyone drives around in a Dacia, think about it 😉

    1. Hello Alex,
      good point! 🙂
      I also don't think that every person should have 7 banking apps and need a different provider for every function.
      Instead, the online banks mentioned offer a wide range of services. Investing, saving, paying, making provisions and more are offered by most digital banks. There is usually no personal advice in the branch, that's true. That's why some people combine a traditional bank + a good digital bank to get the best of both worlds.

      But as far as the costs are concerned, you're making a mistake. A traditional account with a major bank costs a good CHF 200 more per year than with a digital bank - as studies show. But that's not all, it's only for traditional banking with payments. Finally, you mention that you want to do everything with your bank.
      When you start using the 3a solution or investing in free assets, for example, we are quickly talking about tens of thousands of francs over a long investment horizon, depending on the amount. It then makes a big difference whether, for example, a fund charges 0.3% in fees or 3.0% (10x as much) and you invest in it for 30 years.

      Most people don't realise this and save and invest diligently, but end up with only a low return despite the risks.

  2. Hello Eric
    I have been paying into a 3a pension product from an insurance company since 2001, combined with life and disability insurance. It is around 60% of the maximum amount for employees. Over the past few years, I have already thought several times about cancelling the insurance as I don't need the insurance cover as an employee (classic bad advice - you can't get out of it). Thanks to your interesting presentation of pension provision 3a, I would like to use the entire amount of CHF 7,600 for fund savings 3a for the last 8 years. What is your assessment?

  3. I (71) use Yuh as they pay 1 % and are very efficient. I use Swissquote for investments and BCV for the rest (good service but lousy int) . Raiffeisen has term investments with good rate. Banque Cler I gave up as their client service is lousy and their system is old int of 1,80 % is only valid for a year and many conditions to withdraw !
    I am very happy with Truewealth (low fees, they manage your investments in only ETFs as per your risk profile. if interested pls contact me as if you join you get lower fees for a year and... me too

  4. At Raiffeisen you have to be a co-operative member for CHF 200.00, which also earns quite a high interest rate each year, but remains a one-off fixed amount. Then all transactions as a member are free of charge. The member pass is sent to your mobile phone, to be renewed annually, and I have cancelled my EC card. (It cost CHF 60.00 a year. For everyday use I use Twint or the free Migros credit card.
    The Raiffeisen account is now just my "free" e-banking account, with the Member Pass advantage on my mobile phone.
    PS: I'm 73 years old and am always interested in new things. At the moment I'm using "yuh" instead of the Postfinance account, which I use as a sack money account via TWINT. There's over 50 years of nostalgia attached to it, but it costs 5 Stutz every month, so that's coming to an end soon. 😊

    1. Thanks for your good input and insights, Walter! 🙂 Great that you continue to be so deep in the subject and take such good care of your finances!!!

  5. Kaspar& now also has Mobilepay (Google, Apple, Samsung, Garmin).
    Twint also works with the prepaid Twint (just like with Neon, Hypo Lenzburg can be deposited). I think the prepaid solution is better than the connection via UBS (I don't want any more such giants).
    Sub-accounts can be created in a very similar way to Neon (Spaces), which is called Budget. You can park money there without the card being able to reach it ;-).

  6. What do you think of radicant?
    Could you also do a review on this?

    Radicant offers 1.5% interest for balances up to CHF 250,000.
    It is also a subsidiary of BLKB.

    1. I'm still checking Radicant, thanks for the tip, Stefan!
      As soon as the review can be created, you will read about it in the blog 🙂

    2. I am hugely disappointed with Radicant. The app is very slow, as is the service. The support is almost non-existent, only responds to 2 or more enquiries or not at all. I'm cancelling Radicant again, I'm looking forward to Kaspar& (where the support was much better, fast and competent).

    3. Radicant has reduced the interest rate to 1.25% as of today due to the interest rate cut by the SNB.

  7. I have been using YAPEAL as a daily means of payment for a long time. Especially abroad. I am very satisfied with it. Unfortunately, YAPEAL focuses on B2B business and B2C takes a back seat.

    Now I finally wanted to completely break away from UBS and went to ZAK (because of eBill, standing orders and savings target). Transferred one thing after the other (eBill, standing orders etc.). But then after 4 weeks I get an SMS saying "We have decided to reject your bank account application".
    Last week I was also on holiday, so it was not convenient for me. Since I have a payment account with ZAK, with priority support, I called them. After 15 minutes in the queue, I cut off the premium hotline again. Called twice more, similar experience. An organised callback would have been possible after about 3 hours. But during the holidays, it just doesn't always work out that way. Now, back at the weekend, I wanted to transfer everything from ZAK back to my old account. I couldn't, because the app was closed for maintenance all weekend.

    Unfortunately, not a recommendation for me. Despite a monthly fee of CHF 8 and priority support -> lousy handling of customers.

  8. I have tried all of the above. But I have cancelled ZAK. The app is very poor and did not work properly on Android (on the Pixel device). But praise to the developers, who reacted very quickly and published the corresponding update in the Play Store very quickly.
    Neon is great, but you have to be aware that Neon is a prepaid card, not a debit card. Otherwise, you'll be in Italy in the middle of summer, trying to pay motorway tolls and wondering why it doesn't work.
    Revolut is absolutely great, it's just a pity that you don't have a personal IBAN, ebill etc..

    1. Hello HP
      thanks for sharing your experience!
      Personally, I have already been to numerous countries and paid with Neon - until now, there have virtually never been any problems.
      I usually use my cards via my mobile phone (mobile payment) because payment is even safer and, above all, more convenient.

      What is not possible with all prepaid cards: renting a car, as a larger credit amount would have to be blocked as collateral.

      1. What exactly is the difference between prepaid cards and debit cards? Both simply have to be covered in the account (I can compare Neon with Yuh). For the time being, you have to pack a real credit card (e.g. the new Cumulus from Migrosbank with favourable exchange rates).

        1. Hello Jürg,
          The prepaid card is like a kind of voucher: top up and then use it.
          The debit card is linked to your account: your usage is debited from your account. If the account allows an overdraft facility, you can also go into the red.

  9. I (51) am also a new Neon customer (so it's not just for younger customers 😉 ). I was/am a long-time UBS customer. The fee policy, however, I find so intransparent and also expensive that I switched my private account now to Neon (previously only been planned as a test) and I am very satisfied and would
    currently no longer switch. I still have the private account with UBS because of the savings account. The following improvements would still have to be initiated on the part of Neon: Euro withdrawal is only possible at Postfinance, card code has only 4-digit numeric code as a possibility (little security!?), the code to enter the app (should touchid times not work) you have to remember, because you can not (yet?) Personalize this code. Second card (not yet) available, Twintapp only as prepaid possible not directly via account
    Otherwise, I particularly appreciate the simplicity and clarity of the app, the fee transparency, and of course the low fees. The processing of payments is super fast.

    1. I persuaded my mother to open Neon account and use Neon for daily expenses. She is with UBS but not an online account, which means she has always withdrawn cash. She is thrilled and also pays her bills with it (ebill).
      By the way, she is 70.

    2. 4 digit code is international, i could not pay in some countries with the 6 digit ubs, only after i changed the pin to 4 digits, this is deliberately set to 4 digits. with the twint from ubs you can use neon, simply deposit neon as the issuing credit card and the iban from neon as the credit.

    1. There was little interest in this in a survey, so it was not included in the first step. But it is already in progress.

  10. Do you know the advantages of being a Raiffeisen member? Especially if you like to go to museums and/or have children, an account with Raiffeisen is also financially worthwhile: Many museums in Switzerland are accessible for free with it or at least at a reduced price (e.g. Museum of Transport Lucerne at half price). This as a tip 🙂
    Besides Raiffeisen, I am of course also with Neon (even as a shareholder).

    1. Good input for all excursionists 🙂 The Raiffeisen fees must of course also be considered when looking at this. But especially if you have a family account, for example - by all means take advantage of them 🙂

    2. Yes, that's right, that's why I decided to go with Raiba for my kids. Also the Half-Fare 50% suuuper

    3. I am also a Raiffeisenbank member. But I don't have a Mastercard or an EC card. Therefore, please note that without these cards, nothing can be done in terms of discounts...

      1. (Topic: Raiffeisen MemberPlus without chargeable credit card)
        @ Wiki:
        Yes, that should (now) work - but I haven't tested it myself yet:
        1) Log in to MemberPlus: https://login.raiffeisen.ch/de?applicationId=memberplus
        2) Click on Initials at the top right and click on "Your MemberPlus Pass"
        3) Show your pass (with QR code) on your mobile phone -> either save it in a wallet or transfer it as a picture to your mobile phone.

        (PS: Thanks to your question, I realised that I pay an annual fee for my Raiffeisen EC card (it was only free for the first year). I'll cancel it straight away and save 50 a year. Thank you)

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