6 accounts model save automatically with savings model wealth accumulation automatically with sustainable savings tips with accounts model

The 6-account model for automated wealth accumulation

Saving money is exhausting for you, you don't enjoy it or somehow there is just never any money left to save?

If this applies to you, an account model is ideal for you. Even if the topic is easy for you, an account model helps you to achieve your financial goals in a much less complicated way. What exactly an account model is, how the 6-account model works and how you can use it to achieve your financial goals. Zak we will show you in this article. We have created this in cooperation with Bank Cler, as you can set up savings pots at Zak and thus easily implement an account model - without actually opening 6 different bank accounts.

If you have any more questions on the topic, we look forward to an exchange in the comments!

Table of contents

What an account model is good for

The month is coming to an end, your salary comes into your account on the 25th and you're leaving the money to chance?

Thanks to the 6-account model, in the long run you won't know the problem of "having too much money left at the end of the month". Instead, you will be in control of your finances and achieve your goals. The account model helps you achieve your respective financial goals more easily. To do this, you divide your money into different savings pots. We'll look at how this works in practice later. First, let's take a closer look at the account model.

The 6-account model explained

The 6-account model is set up once and then works automatically. You can also remove accounts, add additional ones or assign other purposes to them. Today we would like to introduce you to one possible approach:

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The individual accounts explained

Let's take a quick look at the sub-accounts presented in the account model. As mentioned, you can add, change, or remove individual subaccounts to suit your personal financial plans.

In an automated account model, the following sub-accounts are automatically filled via standing order or savings pot function. For example, this could be on the 26th of each month, when your salary arrives on the main account on the 25th.

1. nest egg account

Ideally, your nest egg account should always be full. This account serves as a reserve for unplanned expenses. An unexpected dentist bill, a broken car, or a job layoff could be examples of reasons for your nest egg account. This account gives you security and peace of mind and for many people is about the size that they could live for 3-6 months without working.

2. livelihood account

A living account in Switzerland automatically gives you a budget for your household expenses. This is where the money you need for groceries and other daily needs ends up every month. With your living expenses account, you can automatically track your spending on groceries, etc. and keep them under control. Savings tips for your everyday life can be found in the linked post.

3. retirement savings account

For many people, retirement planning is about as boring as saving. But we would like to motivate you to think about it again. Because retirement planning can be exciting and, above all, it makes sense for your so-called 3rd stage of life. In the meantime, you can also invest in shares in your 3rd pillar and thus achieve a good return. The Pillar 3a Incidentally, it does not necessarily have to be intended for your pension, but can also be used, for example, to finance self-employment or home ownership.

4. luxury editions

Saving for luxury? Yes, because what do we all work so hard for? Whatever luxury means to you, it can and should have a place in your life. So that it doesn't get out of hand, you can set up a monthly budget for luxury spending in your 6-account model.

5. investment account

In a rational book, the investment account might come before the luxury account, but we'll leave the division up to you.

We recommend that you pay a fixed sum into your investment account each month and invest it as broadly and cost-effectively as possible. We will be happy to show you how and where you can do this most cleverly on our Investment page on.

6. donation account

In our daily lives, our spending is often guided by advertising. The 6 Account Model helps you maintain clarity and achieve your personal financial goals.

If you want to give and donate to less privileged people, integrate this into your savings model. For example, you can support a good cause at the end of the year (when all the appeals for donations start to arrive in your letterbox). Giving is known to bring the greatest joy, so we highly recommend this account.

Implementing the 6 Account Model with Zak

Wondering how to implement the account model now?

With the savings pots of Zak this can be set up conveniently. Create as many savings pots as you like, e.g. for the nest egg, living expenses, luxury and donations. Set up the pots so that the desired amount is automatically allocated to the pots after your salary is received. Pension is actually a real pension account 3, which you can also open in Zak and pay into it with a standing order.

It is also possible to make provisions in securities. Investing, on the other hand, is not yet possible in Zak. Therefore, you don't have to create a new savings pot for investments, but you can set up standing orders to other providers in the Zak app. We'll be happy to show you more about Zak here and give you a CHF 50 voucher when you open a Zak account. Code CHFRAN ...in.


Earning money is not that difficult for many people. Dealing intelligently with money is much more difficult for many. In order to get the most out of your money and achieve your financial goals, we recommend an account model.

We hope you found this post helpful and look forward to sharing in the comments.

Transparency Note: This article was written in collaboration with Zak created by Bank Cler. The content and presentation have nevertheless been freely and independently designed by Schwiizerfranke.

The information on Zak is intended exclusively for persons domiciled in Switzerland. A Zak account can only be opened with domicile in Switzerland.

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2 responses

  1. Hi,

    In your book, the 30% account model maps into investing.
    My question: Does a 3a pillar with an equity component also belong in this 30%?

    I know, every answer is NFA 😉

    Best regards

    1. Hello Hans 🙂
      Rules of thumb remain rules of thumb. I advise you to use the Calculator so you know how much you can invest and then make your plan.
      Ask yourself how much money you don't need for the next 5-8 years and want to invest now.
      This will help you better than a percentage rule 🙂

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