
Neon voucher code 2025: CHF 100 trading credit!

Promo Code: TRADE

We have been a customer of Neon Bank virtually since day one and since then absolutely delighted from the offer. We always keep an eye on updates and innovations from Neon and keep them in our Neon Review topical. Neon not only caused a buzz in the Moneyland comparison, but was also voted smart bank of the year 2025 in Swiss francs. 

We are therefore happy to share our Neon voucher code 2025, which gives you CHF 100 Neon cashback on your Neon trading fees for the first 3 trades in the first 2 months. This is the perfect addition to your free Neon account! If you would like to take advantage of this, use our Neon Coupon Code: TRADE  

Find out how to enter the Neon promotional code below in our guide!

Learning to invest Setting financial targets
Learning to invest Setting financial targets

Instructions: Enter Neon coupon code

1. download Neon App

Go to the Appstore or the Neon website on your smartphone. Download the Neon Free app.

2. open an account

Enter your details and open your account conveniently on your smartphone. You can enter the Neon promo code right here. Use the Neon referral code "TRADE"!

3. enter action code: Schwiizerfranke

When you open your account, there is a field for the voucher code where you can enter the code "TRADE" to receive the CHF 100 trading credit for Neon Invest.

4. wait for card

After opening an account, you can use your CHF 100 Neon voucher for the first 3 trades in the first 2 months after opening an account in Neon Invest.

Neon fees comparison ZKB Postfinance ZAK Cler Revolut

Neon Start Credit Guide

Neon Promo Code: TRADE

Use promo code and get CHF 100 trading credit!

Neon voucher code 2025 1

What is behind Neon

Neon has been using the platform of the regional bank Hypothekarbank Lenzburg since 2018. Since then, Neon has brought plenty of momentum to the banking market because they offer an extremely affordable solution with their smartphone banking solution. Favorable foreign conditions, free account management, free credit card (with our code) and an environmentally friendly/paper-free banking solution. The team is always easily accessible if you have any questions and of course the Swiss deposit guarantee applies. We've visited Neon in the office several times, talked to the team and tested the product extensively. You can read more about this in our Review!

We are happy for you to enter our Neon coupon code and receive startup money with us. You can find the instructions to the Neon Free promo codes above!

Your Schwiizerfrank team!

Neon experiences

Initially Neon was my 2nd account, now I use it for almost everything! International transfers have become unbeatably cheap with the Transferwise integration. Paying in Switzerland and abroad always works. Super support by phone!

Claudia T.

Is there a cheaper Swiss bank whose smartphone solution is as good? I don't think so! Neon is mega good.

Thank you for the Neon code. I was very happy about the free card with the Neon starting credit!

Kilian S.

I've been using the Neon Bank app for over a year and I'm delighted. Simple, fast and with no hidden fees - the perfect account for my everyday life. I find the low-cost use abroad and the clear app particularly practical. It makes paying really fun and with the Neon Bank code I even got Neon starting credit!

Markus R.

I came across the app via the voucher code Neon promotion and was impressed from the start. With the Neon app, I finally have an account that is flexible and free of unnecessary costs. Transfers are super fast and I always have an overview. I particularly like the fact that everything is digital and I can also use my card when travelling.

Fabienne W.

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Code TRADE don't forget!