Are you looking for a Finpension voucher code?
Now use the Finpension Code CHFRZ5 to get a whole 25 francs for free.
Tip: The voucher even works twice! For example, for Finpension Invest if you have already redeemed it for Finpension Vorsorge!
Open a free Finpension account and take a look at the offer at your leisure. Enter the code CHFRZ5 in the last step when opening an account.
If you then pay in at least CHF 1,000 to Finpension within the next 12 months, you will receive a credit of CHF25 to your Finpension account.
The credit of the Finpension voucher code will then expire automatically when you Enter the Finpension referral code CHFRZ5 when opening the account have.
You can click on the "Referral programme" button on the right-hand side of the portfolio up to 24 hours after opening an account.
When opening an account, you can directly enter the Finpension code CHFRZ5.
If you then pay in at least CHF 1,000 over the next 12 months, you have fulfilled the conditions.
The Finpension Voucher will be credited automatically as soon as you have fulfilled the conditions.
You can then use the CHF 25 credit directly for your pension provision.
Use promotion code: get 25 francs starting credit!
Finpension is probably the cheapest and best pension solution in Switzerland for investing in shares. Thanks for the tip and the promotional code!
I have been using Finpension for my Pillar 3a for years and am very happy with it!
The fees are extremely favourable, the app is simple and easy to understand and the support is great.
I can highly recommend Finpension: The fees are low and the app is pleasantly simple. If you're looking for a finpension recommendation code, just take a look at Eric's blog.
We can recommend Finpension because the combination of low fees and a good 3a strategy is convincing. If you are looking for a Finpension promo code, you can find it here.
Transparency Note: Schwiizerfranke is in a paid partnership with Finpension. Regardless of this, our opinion of Finpension's offer is absolutely positive. We only recommend solutions of which we 100%ig are convinced!
Promo code CHFRZ5 don't forget!