CHF 200 Alpian Code
Voucher code: SCHWIZ
Are you looking for an Alpian voucher code? Then you've come to the right place.
Use the Alpian Code "SCHWIZ" and secure the following benefits on your new Alpian account:
- CHF 75 voucher with a deposit of at least CHF 500.
- Additional CHF 125 bonusif you start an investment mandate and invest at least CHF 10,000.
- Free account and many other exclusive benefits!
At Alpian you can earn attractive interest on your money and also invest it successfully.
Use the Alpian refer a friend code to become a New customer CHF 200 starting credit to be given as a gift.
Enter the Alpian voucher as a reference when opening an account!
Instructions: Enter Alpian voucher code
1. download Alpian app
Download the Alpian Bank app from the app store. You can also go to the Alpian website via the link.
2. open an Alpian account
Enter your details and conveniently open your Alpian account online. You can enter the code directly during the opening process.
3. enter code: SCHWIZ
Enter the code "SCHWIZ" under Reference when opening the account.
4. receive starting credit
Deposit at least CHF 500 and receive CHF 75 credited to your Alpian account. With an investment mandate, you will receive an additional CHF 125 for an investment of at least CHF 10,000!
Alpian Code Guide
Use the code now and receive up to CHF 200 voucher!
- Install the Alpian app
- Refer a friend Enter the code "SCHWIZ
- Deposit at least CHF 500
- CHF 75 credit received
- Receive CHF 125 credit when starting an investment mandate of more than CHF 10,000
Alpian opinions
The Alpian app is really good! Opening an account online only took a few minutes and worked smoothly. Attractive interest rates and exciting investment opportunities - I'm excited!
Jean L.
Thanks to the Alpian voucher, I was able to start with initial credit. I like the concept and the clear structure of Alpian Bank.
Adrian M.
Don't forget the voucher code SCHWIZ!